The Official Timeline Of Your First Date Party
We all know the most outrageous social event of the year: the first date party of the season. The location, the outfit, and the date all go hand in hand to have a kick-ass kick-off to the semester....
View ArticleYou Could Live Inside Blair Waldorf’s Apartment
You might never actually be Blair Waldorf, but if you move into Leighton Meester’s chic aF apartment you’re destined to eventually become her. While Leighton and Blair aren’t the exact same person,...
View Article8 YA Books to Look Out For in 2015
It looks like 2015 is going to be a great year for young adult readers. Upcoming titles that need to go on your to-read list include a sequel to a paranormal Libba Bray novel, a book about dealing...
View ArticleGlee in Real Life: Uptown Funk Performed By High School Students
The flashmob fever has cooled a little, but one school in Dallas, Texas isn’t afraid to put together a massive musical number in the halls. Students at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School danced...
View ArticleAvoid The Winter Weather With 8 Easy Pantry Recipes
If you’re planning on staying inside all day because the weather outside is beyond frightful, you might as well make something to warm you up. After all, it’s way too much work to haul to the dining...
View ArticleCatcallers Accidentally Target Their Mothers
We tried appealing to their basic human decency for long enough, and now, when dealing with street harassers, it’s time to get their mothers involved. On the streets of Lima, Peru a team from...
View ArticleThe New Ghostbusters Are Exactly Who You Want Them to Be
It seems as if the all female Ghostbusters remake has been cast by looking at the comments left on dream cast posts. The film will be directed by Paul Feig (Bridesmaids) and at least one buster is...
View Article10 Puppies Having A Better Snow Day Than You
If you thought a snow day was the chance to frolic mindlessly outside for hours, it’s more than likely you’re sadly mistaken. Maybe Netflix got the best of you, or maybe you realized you have papers...
View Article10 Times @GirlWithNoJob Knew Exactly How You Felt
We’re just going to go ahead and guess that you already follow @GirlWithNoJob, the Instagram account that has us LOLing and wondering how one woman could have such an accurate grasp on what it’s like...
View ArticleChris Pratt Might Be Your Next Indiana Jones
Chris Pratt, your favorite lovable buffoon, might be the next Indiana Jones — guaranteeing that you’ll actually see the movie. Pratt is most famous for playing Andy Dwyer (and Bert Macklin, of...
View ArticleYour Pretty Little Liars Cheat Sheet: The Bin of Sin
This week the girls continue to face the future while the past still haunts them. That sounds deep but it’s pretty much what happens every week on the show. Let’s see how they handled it: Emily: “I’m...
View ArticleKim K. & Queen Bey Went On The Most Awkward Double Date
According to Radar, Kim Kardashian and Bey had a v. awkward double date recently. While both couples are obviously incredibly famous, if Bey and Jay are going to double date with anyone it should...
View ArticleThe 15 Types of Guys You Hook Up with Freshman Year
Oh, freshman year. A year full of regrets, yet everyone would relive it again if they could. “Regrets” could range from not going to that class you definitely should have, to not getting involved...
View Article5 Taylor Swift Direct Messages The Hacker Didn’t Release
Yesterday Taylor Swift’s Twitter account was hacked, and though Swift has assured fans there are no nudes for the hackers to find, they have released some alleged direct messages from Swift’s...
View Article6 Easy Mac Upgrades
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that college students subsist on a diet made up of leftover drunk pizza they always regret eating, whatever a dining hall swipe can get you, and easy mac. Once...
View ArticleThe 10 Commandments of Freshman Year
The intoxicated choices you make freshman year don’t hold up in the light of day, much less as a senior. What you thought was too cool freshman year is exactly what you mock people for doing once...
View ArticlePuppy Sliding On the Ice Is The Best Storm Outcome
A few things about Quinn (pictured above)- she’s a Bernese Mountain puppy, she’s going to be gigantic when she grows up, and she’s worse at balancing on the ice than you are. Luckily her owner has...
View ArticleA Look At Mindy Lahiri’s Most Fabulously Ridiculous Outfits
The only person more hilarious and awesome than Mindy Lahiri is Mindy Kaling. The two women have some similarities: They’re both self-deprecating, wicked smart and are both, you know….named Mindy. But...
View Article5 Netflix Movies to Watch This Week Before They Disappear
Netflix never wants you to get to comfortable with their movie list, so they perform a monthly purge, normally ditching that movie you were totally planning to watch, that you just never got around...
View ArticleNetflix Shows To Hibernate With This Winter
Now that winter is here in all its glory, you’re probably not looking forward to putting on your best spandy dress and going out on the town. Luckily, there’s no need to be social, because Netflix...
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