Can we talk about how cute girls dress nowadays? No one bats an eye when a little lady walks into a store with a faux fur vest or tiara on her head. One trend that used to be reserved for Halloween is tutus. I see them everywhere and it’s adorable! Am I a little jealous? Maybe.
The good news is there are plenty of opportunities to wear a DIY tutu past your potty training days. Stand out at a 5K, be the envy of the Halloween party, or make a green one for a St. Patrick’s Day parade. The possibilities are endless, and the process is easy.
1. Gather Supplies
Head to your local fabric store and select the color and kind of tulle you want. You will need 3-8 yards of tulle, which can be found for very cheap (less than $1 a yard). Also grab a ribbon of complimenting color or elastic to tie around your waist.
2. Cut Strips of Tulle
The width of your strips of tulle will determine how poofy your tutu is. As a standard, cut strips of tulle about 4 inches wide. If you want your tutu to be more poofy, make them wider.
3. Tie the Tulle on Ribbon
There are several methods for fastening the strips to the ribbon – you can sew them, use fabric glue, or tie them on. Cut the strips so that they are twice the length you want the tutu to be. Then loop them around the ribbon as shown here.
And viola! You can live out all your princess dreams, even as a young adult.