If you’ve ever been cheated on, you know that you probably would have done literally anything in your power to prevent it. Well, a new study says that you might actually be able to.
If your mother is constantly (but sweetly) suggesting that you lock it down with someone pre-med or pre-law, send her this study. “Power and Attraction to the Counternormative Aspects of Infidelity” found that powerful people are more likely to engage in infidelity. Before you start crushing on the president of the best fraternity on campus or the star of the football team (#sports), think twice.
The study says that powerful makes people care less about social norms, which makes them want to go agains the norm, sexually speaking (i.e. Fifty Shades). Other explanations — power increases your sexual appetite, or women are more attracted to powerful men, so they have more opportunities to get it in. Researchers looked at data from 610 Dutch men and women, so maybe it’s different for us over in America.