Freshman year may be halfway over, but don’t worry — you still have plenty of time for late night pizza binges, drunk texts, and complaining about your random roommate. Here’s what you need to check off your freshman year bucket list ASAP.
Take a class that has nothing to do with your major
There’s no need to decide what you want to do with the rest of eternity the moment you set foot on campus. Your first year is the time to take some classes that actually interest you (hello, Beyonce 101), not just the ones you think will get you into medical school.
Hook up in an academic building
And don’t blame me if you get caught.
Eat a whole pizza by yourself
You can’t be worried about the freshman 15 all the time. Plus, diets are meant to be broken when stress, cheese, and the possibility of ordering lava cake are involved.
Play tourist
It’s easy to get caught up in the freedom of being away from home and miss out on exploring your college town. Make sure to go sightseeing and check out all the cool things that come along with moving to a new place.
Take a theme party way too seriously
In a couple years you’ll be laughing at the freshman who had their mom overnight their entire costume box for a mixer.
Drunk order something from Amazon
There’s nothing better than having an industrial sized package of Goldfish show up at your door one morning.
Stay out until last call
You’re only young once and by the time you’re an upperclassman you’ll be too much of a grandma to be anywhere but hugging your toilet by the time dawn rolls around.
Get in a stupid fight with your roommate
There’s nothing like living 3 feet away from someone else to teach you a thing or two about conflict resolution (and no, that doesn’t mean passive aggressively putting your feet on her bed). Learn to handle disagreements like an adult and hash out your issues with the roomie.
Dance like an idiot
By the time you’re an upperclassmen you’ll learn that boys want to get in your pants regardless of whether you’re dropping it like it’s hot or rocking the mom dance moves. Don’t waste time with the stripper act when you could be dancing like no one’s watching.