The Netflix powers that be have finally, finally, finally answered out prayers: Friends, aka the best show OF ALL TIME (don’t fight me on this) is available for streaming in all its hysterical, corny, charming, occasionally touching, glory.
Because this show will never get old, no matter how many times you watch it on Nick at Nite, I assume we all have a few more Friends marathons in us. Why not make this one a bit more fun? Throw a drinking game into the mix if you feel like spending an entire weekend hibernating, imbibing and catching up with friends – onscreen and off.
Feel free to make your own rules – but if that sounds like too much work, play by these. They’re simple: Just sip every time one of these things happens onscreen.
1. Rachel gasps.
2. Joey says ‘how you doin’?’
3. Pheobe sings a completely nonsensical song.
4. Monica yells at someone.
5. Ross stammers.
6. Chandler makes a sarcastic comment.
7. Ross’ divorce habit is brought up.
8. Rachel and Ross’ ‘break’ is mentioned.
9. The phrase ‘we were on a break’ comes up.
10. Pheobe hits on one of the other ‘friends.’
11. Pheobe makes fun of Ross/Chandler
12. Chandler fails to pick up a woman.
13. Joey successfully picks up a woman.
14. Monica and Rachel fight.
15. Monica mentions cleaning.
16. Monica’s previous weight is brought up.
17. They show a flashback.
18. Ross gets jealous.
19. Rachel thinks she might feel something for Ross (again.)
20. A high-profile guest star appears.
Warning: You will wind up hammered.