Are you ready for the first foray onto the red carpet of awards season? You should probably pregame by watching the nominated movies (start with Boyhood and Birdman, then prepare to guzzle champagne like you’re at the award show yourself. After all, the Globes are famous for being a hot mess, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t join in. You might not be able to afford the couture gown or the limo, but don’t let that stop you from letting loose during the award show, because you can certainly afford Andre.
Luckily the hosts this year are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (i.e. the best best friends in all of Hollywood, sorry Taylor and Karlie and Kendall and Cara). They’ve been nice enough to provide drinking game pointers in the past, and they’re reusable for 2015.
Here’s the official globes drinking game, brought to you by the lovely hostesses:
1. Any time you see a gown with sleeves, you’re going to drink.
2. Any time they cut to Tom Hanks for a reaction shot, do five push-ups and you will be ripped by the end of the ceremony.
3. Every time I (Poehler) drink, everybody at home should drink.
4. Drink any time an actress cries in a speech.
5. Drink any time you see a person actively not listening to someone onstage.
6. Drink any time someone says, “I didn’t prepare anything!”
7. Eat a meatball sub any time someone thanks Harvey Weinstein.
8. Take off an article of clothing any time they show Judi Dench.
9. Take off an article of clothing any time Maggie Smith wins.
10. And if Bryan Cranston speaks, everybody has to do a little bit of meth. Just a touch, because that’s all you need, just a touch.