Forget being able to fly. These skills are so impressive they can only be categorized as super powers, and they’re only achieved by the most indestructible beings alive: college students.
1. Telepathy with your BFF so you’re always on the same page.
2. Mind control of at least three different love interests on campus.
3. Ability to make entire bottles of wine disappear.
4. Sound manipulation so the music is always loud and a perfect dance jam.
5. Sensor that you have a new text or notification on your phone, even when it’s on silent.
6. Poison control that lets you keep drinking while lesser beings would have tapped out long ago.
7. Invisibility whenever you need to escape a situation involving an ex.
8. Endurance which allows you to normally function on very little sleep and a lot of caffeine.
9. Night vision for navigating your dorm room when you come home late after a party and your roommate is asleep.
10. Super-sized brain capacity that allows you to pass an exam even though the only studying you did all semester was the night before.
11. Powers of persuasion helping you bump that B+ to an A- or get past that bouncer.
12. Uncanny ability to sense which party your current hook up will be at without asking him.
13. Spending time with your best friends is practically like self-duplication and spending time with yourself.
14. Super-speed that allows you to get to class on time when you completely forgot to set an alarm.