Pentatonix, the internet’s favorite a cappella group (after Pitch Perfect’s AcaBellas, or course) has a new Christmas video out. Last year the group’s cover of “The Little Drummer Boy” gained over 39 million views, and this year the group grabbed their candles, headed to an appropriately echo-y cave and performed an arrangement of “Mary Did You Know?” The video has been out for less than a week and has already gained over 5 million views, which is good news for the group and their new Christmas album That’s Christmas to Me. And if you think it’s to early for a Christmas sing-a-long, remember there’s only thirty-five days left this Christmas season. You better get singing.
Leave it to North West to master the perfect smize before the age of two. For a girl who was virtually non-existent for the first few months of her life, she’s sure been making quite a few cameos on Kim Kardashian’s beloved Instagram page lately. Most recently, the reality star shared a photo that proved just how destined her daughter is to be in the spotlight.
There’s never a moment where Kim doesn’t look fierce, fabulous and on-point. And frankly, that sounds exhausting. It really makes you wonder … does she ever go home, take off her make-up and not look like she’s posing on the cover of Vogue? Apparently if she’s with her daughter, then yes. See below:
Whether you love her, hate her, or just love to hate her — you can’t deny this is a sweet photo. Click through to see North’s other adorable moments!
It seems like only yesterday we were ripping out the centerfolds from Tiger Beat magazine and scotch taping them to our bedroom walls. We’d dance around our room blasting our Lion King cassette tape and dream that one day J.T.T would sing “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” to us in person.
Those were the days.
In honor of Throwback Thursday, let’s journey back to the ’90s and remember our favorite celebrity heartthrobs. Whether you like to admit it or not, you once believed you had a shot at marrying at least one of these guys.
Classes are canceled this morning at Florida State University after a shooter opened fire on a campus library, injuring three students before being shot and killed by police. Police have not confirmed whether the shooter was a student or otherwise a member of the Florida State University community. At least one of the shooting victims’ injuries were not serious enough to warrant being admitted to the hospital. The shooting began shortly after midnight, so close to exams the library was still full of students cramming. Students of FSU took to Twitter as they waited in the library or on campus lock-down to share their fears and ask for prayers.
If you don’t want to be one of those people who pulls out every clothing item in your closet that has the name of your school written on in it for game day, read on.
You have so many better other options – clothes that not only look at home in the casual atmosphere of a sporting event, but will also allow you stand out in the crowd due to your superior style (this is a good thing, especially after high school.)
If you’re a die-hard fan of your school’s team, do what you have to do to show your school spirit – but if you’re still interested in wearing something fashion-forward, trust me when I say that you have tons of options. Athletic influences are cropping up everywhere in the fashion industry, making it easier than ever to find the perfect on-trend game day look.
Guys the Acabellas are back! And they’re going to make you more emotional than the last five minutes of Toy Story 3. The trailer opens with an a cappella rendition of Cups, sung by the girls over a montage of them being the besties you wish you could have, and in less than a minute you’ll feel like it’s the last day of camp and you’re never going to see your camp friends ever again. But, thankfully, the trailer brings the mood back up and we learn a little bit about what the girls have been up to since the last film (they have a house now? did they win it in a karaoke battle with a campus sorority?) and what they’re up against this time (vaguely European meanies, the classic cinematic villain). May 15th can’t come soon enough.
Spring recruitment is an amazing opportunity to think you know exactly which house you want before you go through rush. You spend an entire semester being wooed by older (but not much wiser) sorority girls, until you’re 100% convinced that if you don’t get the sorority you want, you’ll die. Luckily, you’re wrong.
When I went through recruitment, I had a million preconceived notions running through my head. I was more focused on finding a group of girls to party with and identify myself with than taking time to think about what I was really looking for — real friends that would be there for me long after the 4 years ended, a lineage that would end up being as close as a real family, and the opportunity to be part of an incredibly cool group of women worldwide.
While I know all of this now, as a freshman going through recruitment I was more clueless than Cher. Here’s what I wish I knew.
First semester is almost over, but there’s still time to give it your best shot. You don’t need to curtail your wildly inappropriate drinking habits (although I’m sure you’ll get lectures aplenty about that over Thanksgiving), you just need to stay alert when you’ve had enough vat for an entire fraternity.
You think you know, but you have no idea. Sororities basically put on a show all first semester. The incredibly classy, pearl clutching girls? They’re all boning each other’s boyfriends. The super chill biddies everyone wants to be like? They have no idea what true sisterhood is. Get to know girls in a real way, not just by cyberstalking them on Facebook like they’re your next not-boyfriend. You’ll meet more girls in the sorority, and you’ll get the chance to see what they’re really about. The slightly nerdy, ridiculously involved girls might be far cooler than they seem, or the hippie girls who exclusively wear Birks (and not the chic kind) might be your secret spirit animals. You’ll never know until you actually get to know them.
You might hear that recruitment is an exciting opportunity to meet new people! The truth is that it’s an awkward night out at the bar — just as crowded and noisy, only you’re dead sober. It’s basically a first date, and it’s college, so you’re not exactly used to dating. You awkwardly discuss your likes, dislikes, and life dreams. Casual. Just know that as tired as you are of discussing your course load ad nauseam, they’re more exhausted. Bring up your favorite TV show, a ridiculous story from a party you went to (but nothing disgusting), or your favorite restaurants on campus. Anything that’s not the regular classes/major/hometown discussion will be way more fun to talk about for both of you. Plus, since they’ve been stalking you all semester, they already know that information anyway (nothing creepy).
You probably have a ready list of ’90s kids shows you loved, that are so obviously better than the others, but do you have any favorite ’90s theme songs? This throwback Thursday it’s time to examine the merits of the songs that let you know your favorite cartoon was on, because for every Pokemon theme there’s a Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers song.
The absolute worst. This non-song will get in your head and never, ever let go.
It’s like some weird ’60s house party you’re glad you skipped.
More screaming than actual music.
This song just kind of happens. Whether you want it to or not.
Every overly aggressive song that ever blasted out of a Pac Sun.
You might remember this as catchy, but you’re mistaken.
Not much of a song, but it does nail the creepy vibe.
This is a nothing sort of theme song, a big let down after the explanation of Eliza’s powers.
It’s ’80s-ish, nothing terribly exciting about it.
No. Stop. It actually has the screaming kids within the song in case you don’t have any on hand to scream in person.
It sounds like a song from an early ’90s aerobics class, but that kind of works. The power is yours!
Continuing the trend of wonderfully mellow kids theme songs that are wasted on stress-free kids.
An agreeable song. He is smart and small and round.
Obviously a hold over from the ’80s style wise, this will make you want to take up Parkour while eating gummy bears.
The calming breeze of childhood theme songs. Everything’s okay now, Winnie the Pooh will entertain you.
Stealing from your source material seems like a good move.
Learning all the words was like the kid version of learning rap lyrics.
Listen to this one again, you’ll appreciate the lyrics way more as an adult.
This pre-school show theme is just so cute.
That’s it. That’s the show.
A+ use of sound effects within the song.
Fun fact: their theme song is performed by Who’s Line Is It Anyway? star Wayne Brady.
You always had to add in the “sit back” shout when you sang along.
Bonus points if you know any words other than “CatDog.”
The warrior cry of middle school girls everywhere.
Not to be confused with the theme song from Disney’s Doug, which, like the entire series, is garbage.
If we play it enough times maybe we can forget the remake even happened.
Seriously, forget the mediation music, this song will mellow you out perfectly.
Still the number one song to get you psyched up for a run.
The entirety of ’90s childhood nostalgia in a 45 second sound-byte. If this isn’t the top of your list, I assume something traumatic happened to you while you were watching Rugrats.
What started as a viral Twitter hashtag has become a full length film: Free the Nipples is coming to a theater near you. While the film describes itself as a satire, the movement it represents is serious. As explained on the film’s official site:
“Today in the USA, it’s effectively illegal for a woman to be topless, breastfeeding included, in 35 states. In less tolerant places like Louisiana, an exposed nipple can take a woman to jail for up to three years and cost $2,500 in fines. Even in New York City, which legalized public toplessness in 1992, the NYPD continues to arrest women. We’re working to change these inequalities through film, social media, and a grassroots campaign.”
The film opens in theaters on December 12th.
Now that you know where your classes are and have become used to college life, it’s time to do a little self-exploration! Freshman year is the perfect time to put yourself out there, try things you’ve never done before, and set the stage for a great college career.
This is the last episode before Thanksgiving, so you know that you should expect an epic episode to tide you over while you spend the holidays ignoring your relatives. VD lived up to that task by providing a lot of answers about Kai’s existence of annoyance. Let’s see what happened:
- That teaser was frightening! It seemed like it was setting up an episode of American Horror Story not VD! In in it, younger Jo hid two blonde kids, mostly likely Liv and her brother Luke (the dude with the 90s ‘do).
- Only Kai could make the phrase every girl wants to hear “I’m cooking you dinner” sound like a threat. He definitely has a way with words.
- The three bromigos (bro + amigo, live it, love it) went on an adventure to find Bonnie based on her teddy bear clue. Not quite sure how teddy bear = road trip to Portland, but I dig it. Especially since Kai mentioned that it was home to Tonya Harding and Courtney Love, the classiest dames of our time.
- Even Damon realizes how perfect Caroline is! She’s everything that’s right in the world of the show, but Stefan has always seemed like the kind of guy who prefers pain and torture to happiness. He did date Elena for all that time.
- Are we supposed to feel bad for Liv? My sympathy gene must be missing but no one told her to kill that guy. #lightenup
- Big family reveal! Jo is the sister to Liv and Luke, aka Double L. So that means Kai is their brother. The witching world is super small. Think about it, every witch in the past was related to Bonnie in some shape or form, so why shouldn’t they be?
- How can I ship Kai and Bonnie when his story gets more gruesome by the second? Killing your family is bad enough, but trying to kill Double L for a leadership position is a low blow. As kids, they were the cutest twin blondes since Michelle Tanner.
- And the stakes got even higher for Double L when it was announced that the stronger twin absorbs the power of the weaker twin. Don’t they know that’s supposed to happen in the womb? Doing it wrong.
- Gemini Papa seemed pretty certain that Kai would overpower Jo and absorb her if he came out of the limbo he trapped Kai in. Not sure how he’ll pull that off if he has no problems. Pure force of will?
- Stefan was hella salty about not being invited to Friendsgiving, but what did he expect? You don’t throw away the treasure who is Caroline Forbes and then expect to sit at her well-decorated table. Doesn’t work like that, bro.
- Medical drama meets the supernatural yet again when Jo shouted out instructions on how to find the magically cloaked house while hacking up blood. She’s a pro at crisis management though. Nice to see a boss lady giving orders even when she was dying.
- Elena’s reveal to Doctor Boy aka Humble Brag aka No-idea-what-his-name-is that she was a vampire did not pack any emotional weight whatsoever. It was great that she erased his memory of dating her about two seconds later. He really shouldn’t take up time on-screen when most of his actions can be described as “looking smug.”
- Kai’s family tricked him and Jo’s magic went into a knife when the two were supposed to merge, which sent him to the past. While he told Bonnie that crazy little story, she made the rookie mistake of standing next to him and he stabbed her in the hopes of using her blood to get home. Bonnie’s stupidity is astounding at this point. A newborn could navigate how to not get killed/stabbed/broken up with better than she can.
-Tyler kidnapped Liv to protect her from her coven…and this is where VD became a creepy boyfriend story a la Fifty Shades. Girls, you should NOT want that. I repeat, you should NOT want that.
- Caroline making Stefan squirm was the best moment in the whole episode. Like a worm on a fishing line, he could barely get anywhere with her as far as mending their relationship. Caroline waits for no man.
- Paging someone “I lied” must be the douchiest move out there. There’s no way to forgive the dude who pulls that one.
- Elena finally admits that there is a glimmer of something with Damon. The glimmer of his crazy eyes would probably be enough for the rest of us to go back to him.
Everyone should feel lucky if their Turkey day goes better than Friendsgiving! Don’t be that friend who doesn’t get invited. Until next time!
Sometimes when I think about the amount of money I spend on Starbucks, I wonder if it would make more sense for me to become a barista. I invest so much money in those mermaid cups that it’s a wonder I haven’t become one. If you find yourself facing a life of crippling debt because of your addiction to red cup season, here are 10 drinks you can make from the comfort of your own kitchen. All of the calories, but way less dollar bills necessary.
The one negative when it comes to crafting your own Starbucks recipes? You become aware of the exact amount of sugar and whipped cream that goes into your favorite creations. When they hand you that steaming red cup covered in chocolate flakes, it seems like a magical gift from the coffee gods. When you make it inside your teeny tiny apartment, you found yourself covered in sugar granules and regret. If you want the fully authentic Starbs experience, feel free to misspell your own name.
When I was in middle school I watched “Saved by the Bell” everyday before school. I dreamt about what it would be like to have Zack Morris as a boyfriend. He was cool, with his giant cellphone, bleached coiffed hair, his 80′s wardrobe and not to mention his killer bod. Zack had it all.
Looking back, I realize he probably would’ve been a pretty bad boyfriend and here’s why.
Uttering his phrase “time out” would frequently “stop time” as he stared and spoke into the camera about how he was feeling or what mischief he had up his sleeve. As his girlfriend today, I would find this behavior creepy. We all know he didn’t really harbor magical powers. Zack was just a normal, albeit extremely charismatic and popular, high school guy.
I CAN’T! I would want to wear literally the same outfit and as a couple, that’s kind of a big no no.
Remember when that duck he had for like a day named, Becky, died? He cried…a lot! Yeah, I’m sorry but come on! It was a duck. I’m all for nice, sensitive guys, but when it comes to my man and duck love, I JUST CAN’T!
He had so many girlfriends. From Kelly to Tori to Stacey Carosi and all the girls in between, Zack dated pretty much every girl at Bayside. Would I really want to be his sloppy seconds? The answer is no.
Zack was involved in so many extracurricular activities. Glee club, cross country, basketball, he worked on the school radio and the yearbook. You name it, he did it and he did it well. Plus he had his group of friends he had to hang out with at all times. I doubt we would’ve gotten any alone time together.
Being forced to hang out with Screech would be a major turnoff. Just the sound of his voice would be enough to kill my sexual desires.
But I think the main reasons Zack would make a terrible boyfriend is his undying love for Kelly. I’m not the jealous type, but it is clear that he will always have feelings for her. I could get rid of Screech and force Zack to give up some of his extracurriculars, but I could never forgive myself for getting in the way of true love.
If you’re like me, you’ve been struggling with dating. Going on date after date, kissing frog after frog. Then finding a squirrel to make out with when the frog got bored/wasn’t ready for a committed relationship. But, it turns out finding the man of your dreams is actually a lot easier than we originally thought. Just follow my simple guidelines detailed below and you’ll be cuddled up with a man deserving of your greatness. A man who is smart, thoughtful, a good listener, GREAT IN BED and also just an all around nice guy!
Pour the contents into the cauldron and create your magical love potion. Stir for three days straight. By the third day you’ll notice a delirium set in . The delirium means it’s working and you are ready for step two.
Plus your arms look great and you realize they need to be seen! Luckily the cauldron and potion you purchased came with a complimentary “love spell shirt” that says “Love Me…PLEASE!” You’re not sure if it’s the three days you’ve spent cooped up inside or the sweet smell of the potion that seems engrained in your fingers, but your initial thoughts of “this shirt reeks of desperation” are gone. Instead they’ve been replaced with thoughts like “MUST FIND HUMAN COUNTERPART” and also “some coffee would be nice.”
Head to your local coffee shop carrying a notebook and pen. Not only will this make you look intelligent, but it is necessary for step 4 and 5. Warning: It may be hard to get there on account of all the men flocking to you. This potion is strong and it works! Also you will be extremely tired from the potion stirring and lack of sleep.
Order your drink loudly, confidently, so that all can hear. Also it is extremely important that you proudly display your notebook and tell everyone that you are there to write. You are the voice of a generation and you must be heard!
When the man of your dreams comes over to ask what you’re writing say ” just some words of love” and show him the page you’ve filled with “love.” He will smile in a very strange/terrified way. Don’t worry, that just means he’s interested.
This may be difficult because your arms have been depleted of their strength from all the writing and potion stirring, but that just shows him you need to be taken care of. Guys love that! He may pull away at first, but be persistent. If there is one thing you’ve learned from three days, sitting in your room, constantly watching over a boiling pot, stirring for hours on end, it’s persistence. When he begins to run away yell, “ARE YOU AFRAID OF LOVE?!”
He’ll turn around and say, “Not anymore.” And now you have a boyfriend, a super awesome shirt, and a great story to tell your kids.
We all know what Thanksgiving is really about: eating as much food as humanly possible, while trying to achieve the right balance of all the pies and all the mashed potatoes. So when your looking for some TV to act as your Thanksgiving entertainment, you don’t have to go straight to the officially themed episodes, just check out the one’s that focus on food. You can empathize with the character’s indigestion as you roll yourself onto the couch.
While the Thanksgiving episode of Buffy is a classic (poor Xander and his ancient curse case of syphillis) you can only watch it so many times, and if you’re still looking for some Buffy-themed Thanksgiving entertainment, “Band Candy” is perfect viewing material. Giles and Ms. Summers 4EVA. They were a way better couple than Angel and Buffy ever were (and their sex, even on a cop car, wasn’t nearly as dangerous).
There aren’t really many episodes of Gilmore Girls that aren’t about food. If they were Friends episodes they’d be called “The One Where Rory Eats All That Indian Food” or “The One Where the Gilmore Girls’ Eating Habits Resemble Those of Hobbits.” But one of the best food moments on the show was Sookie’s fancy feast made for a children’s birthday party. I’m with the kids on this one, God never intended macaroni and cheese to be green.
You don’t get between Liz Lemon and her food, especially her special sub and dipping sauce from the mystery location. Watch as Liz Lemon succeeds in having it all: the perfect sandwich and a airport reconciliation.
Leslie’s beloved waffles are highlighted in several classic episodes (like the ones Ben kindly delivers in Flu Season) but one of the best food moments in Parks and Rec comes in this town hall meeting when an increasingly frustrated Anne tries to explain why an energy bar isn’t the healthiest snack option (and that syrup doesn’t come from a bush).
Definitely not an episode to check out after you’ve eaten your turkey dinner, Famine (one of the four horseman) makes people “hungry” for what they most crave, which might mean chowing down on pizza until they (completely not figuratively) explode, or snacking on each other. Demon blood junkie Sam over indulges too of course, and he just has the worst table manners.
Today Amy Adams is an Oscar nominated actress (and soon to be SNL host) but in 2001 she was just a humble fat sucking vampire. Like most of the meteor rock kids, at first Amy is super thrilled that her weird glowing kale shake has magic liposuction powers. But pretty soon she can’t even go for a little night ride without having to pull over to eat a deer. That’s just inconvenient.
Finn finds Jesus in his grilled cheese. That is all. Also, worth mentioning that this is definitely before Glee jumped the shark music wise, and this episode has a beautiful cover of “Hold Your Hand.”
There’s this episode with a running green beans things, but really you need to watch the Thanksgiving episode. The president drafts a turkey into the military and it’s amazing.