The video starts with the voicemail you leave at 2AM for your not-boyfriend, only to apologize in the morning, when the reality is that you're the one who's owed an apology.
At the start of October every year I get excited. The leaves are changing colors, the temperature starts getting more comfortable, and there are pumpkin products everywhere.
Tumblr, it’s not just for cat GIFs anymore (though you should continue to reblog the cat GIFs, they’re adorable). All across the internet women have...
Like most twenty-somethings who love getting in the spirit of one of the most popular holidays for college-aged women everywhere, you no doubt have some...
This week we're bringing you a giveaway filled with mystery, romance, and elements of the supernatural, courtesy of the book series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.
It is the season to carve pumpkins, drink pumpkin spice lattes, bake pumpkin bread and unleash the laziest version of yourself. Since all those PSLs...