Lupito Nyong’o Is Actually a Delicious M&M Candy
Candy coated on the outside with a delicious chocolatey inside.
View ArticlePurdue Student Hacker Goes To Jail After Changing “F” Grades To “As”
You would think a student skilled and talented enough to hack into Purdue University's computer system to change his grades from Ds and Fs to As would be skilled and talented enough to pass his classes...
View Article5 Dating Apps That’ll Make Finding A Spring Fling Boo a Breeze
Valentine’s Day may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean the search for love has to stop. Instead of trolling around dimly lit, smelly bars or agreeing to be set up on a doomed-to-fail blind date, let...
View ArticleWe Hate Juan Pablo: Bachelor Recap, The Women Tell All
Usually, I don’t look forward to The Women Tell All. It’s always filled with a lot of drama that I just don’t care at all about. But tonight? I came in with such high hopes for the women to turn on JP...
View ArticleRock the Oxblood Lip Trend 3 Different Ways with Burberry [In Our Makeup Bag]
Oxblood is THE lip color this winter. Since Burberry does the same shades across different formulas, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you how to wear this vampy color at the...
View Article15 Pictures That Accurately Sum Up This Never Ending Winter Wonderlame
I have so many cute clothes that I cannot weaaaaaaar.
View ArticleDid Andre Drummond Leak Jennette McCurdy’s Scandalous Photos?
And this is why you don't send nude or racy pictures with your face in them to boys you met on the internet even if they are NBA stars—no, especially if they are NBA stars.
View ArticleDoes the Millionaire Matchmaker Really Know What’s Best When It Comes to Sex?
Patti suggests to her clients that they abstain from sex until monogamy; this will earn them more respect. But is this the right advice?
View ArticleDartmouth Student Assaulted After Being Named in Online “Rape Guide” [Lady Bits]
The post, which appeared in January, gave instructions for how to make the woman want to perform oral sex. "If not," it said, "have her do it anyways."
View ArticleDefining Your Relationship: When and How to Take It to the Next Level
Despite all of this pressure to avoid sentiments and to keep things casual, many still want a steady, monogamous relationship. How do you define a relationship like that amongst all the...
View Article13 Totally Bonkers Sexual Misconceptions From Reddit
In sixth grade, a boy in my class, obviously unfamiliar with the female anatomy, thought that boys were shat out through the anus. The same dude asked questions about micropenises, which made us all...
View ArticleVanity Fair’s Oscar Party Photo Booth Candids are Everything & More in...
While what happens behind those infamous closed doors usually stays pretty hidden, celebrities do have the opportunity to hop in the VF photo booth to take inebriated and uninhibited selfies with their...
View ArticleBratty Teen Sues Parents For College Tuition, Is Ridiculous Human
She really isn't using her noodle and if she carried on this way in my parent's household she would have been whooped on the back of the head with a slipper. Girl, you need to think straight.
View ArticleYour “Pretty Little Liars” Cheat Sheet: Season 4, Episode 22
With Aria on the run and Spencer fresh from rehab, the girls were on a hot mess express when we left off.
View ArticleWatch Oprah Tell Lindsay Lohan To “Cut The Bullshit”
Oprah gets pissed she is misbehaving and sits her down for a heart to heart. If Oprah can't save you then perhaps, you need to save yourself.
View ArticleSuing Teen Loses Case Against Parents, Says She Wants To ‘Sh*t’ On Mom’s Face
"Yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a sh*t which i really just wanna sh*t all over your face right now."
View ArticleThe Very Best Hilarious Tweets From Beyoncé Fan Fiction
To most, Beyoncé appears to be some sort of beauty queen android or like she is trying too hard to convince us her poop doesn't stink, according to Beyoncé Fan Fiction she is merely a vegan superhuman...
View ArticleHow To Throw A “Healthy” Party—Don’t Worry, There’s Still Alcohol
Let’s face it: get between a woman and her wine and you’re in trubs.
View ArticleStudy Finds Drinking Doesn’t Make Men Sexually Aggressive & More Links
Basically, creepy dudes target intoxicated and tipsy ladies for sexual aggression and violence.
View Article5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ask Me If I’m On My Period
I am actually not a slave to my vagina.
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