5 Accessories You Need If You’re An Alcoholic
In the year 2014, the alcohol Gods have blessed us with many gizmos and gadgets to make your college drinking adventures even more memorable -- or less memorable, depending on how you look at it.
View Article10 Natural Remedies for the Common Cold…And Yes, They Really Work! [CC Faves]
There is only so much that the “magic white pill” (prescription drugs) can do. I know it’s shocking, but sometimes it’s the truth, especially when it comes to the common cold.
View Article15 People On Tumblr Whose Lives I Do Not Understand
There are all different kinds of people on Tumblr and this post is a dedication, no it is a homage, to those people on Tumblr whose lives I do not know, do not understand, do not engage with but will...
View ArticleDid Leighton Meester and Adam Brody Get Married in a Secret Wedding?
Photos of the Kirsten Cohen drunk at the ceremony will likely hit the internet sometime next week, followed by reports of Jimmy Cooper still scamming off his children.
View ArticleHarnaam Kaur Is A Woman With A Beard And She Loves It
Can you imagine a scenario where literally just being yourself warranted nasty comments and stares from strangers?
View ArticleLazy Girl’s Workout: Stay Fit with A Quick and Easy Routine [CC's ShapeU]
So why, you ask, am I posting a "lazy girl's workout," which seemingly refutes the need for motivation or hard work? The simple answer is: we're not perfect, and sometimes our workouts need a little...
View ArticleYour “Pretty Little Liars” Cheat Sheet: Season 4, Episode 20
Just when I thought their sleuthing skills were getting better, the girls completely missed Spencer going insane in the past few episodes. It occurred to the writers that the gang should confront...
View ArticleHot Pockets are Recalled for Containing “Diseased Meat” & Other Links to Read...
This is definitely a weekend to call for some late night Domino's (sans pepperoni, just to be safe) instead of heating up your favorite molten-hot meat pastry for 3AM consumption.
View Article12 Disney Princesses As Game of Thrones Characters
Some awesome designer at Deviant Art combined two of the greatest fandoms of all time, Game of Thrones and Disney Princesses, with fantastic results.
View ArticleMy Reactions To Michael Dunn’s Mistrial
I am sick of people using the fear of Black people as a defense for murdering us.
View Article“Sex and the City 3″ Could Happen, Says Executive Producer Michael Patrick King
The series' executive producer, Michael Patrick King, revealed to Entertainment Weekly that there was still one story that needed to be told through Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda.
View ArticleMiley Cyrus And Jared Leto Are Hooking Up, Basically FWB
Miley and Jared being FWB actually sounds like a good combination of two people who are sometimes awesome, sometimes insufferable and who have amazing hair.
View ArticleDid Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore Have a Secret Affair?
Ellen Page as come out has a lesbian, which is pretty awesome for her, and now of course tabloids are looking to put some scandalous edge on thole announcement.
View Article5 Olympians I’d Follow To The Gym And The Kitchen
I wanted to know how these stellar athletes get their redic bods.
View ArticleIs This Emma Stone Nude Photo Leak Real?
What do you think? If I were a celeb I'd be trying to obscure my face as much as possible like in this pic but I guess I would do that if I was a regular person too.
View ArticleObama Writes Handwritten Apology To Art History Majors
"Let me apologize for my off-the-cuff remarks."
View ArticleJames Franco Wrote About Shia LaBeouf And Perils Of Fame
"This behavior could be a sign of many things, from a nervous breakdown to mere youthful recklessness. For Mr. LaBeouf’s sake I hope it is nothing serious. "
View ArticleBeyonce Releasing “Partition” As Her Next Single & More in Today’s Candy Dish
Let's take a walk down memory lane by watching the vlog wherein Bey talks about how she FREESTYLED THE ENTIRE OPENING VERSE and then refused to play to song for her mom because she thought Miss Tina...
View ArticleLesson #8: Why Your “Number” Doesn’t Matter [Bold Girls' Bible]
Society makes a huge deal about women being chaste and pure. Except that if a girl is seemingly too innocent, she's written off as well. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's kind of bullshit.
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