Watch Russia’s Police Choir Sing Some Daft Punk
In an effort designed to appeal to the world and the cultures embedded in each country, the Sochi Olympics chose the most popular song in the world as a landmark moment during Friday’s opening...
View ArticleShake Up a Disney Princess Themed Cocktail This Weekend
Which Disney princess are you? Whether you relate to Ariel's adventurous sensibilities or yearn for the luxe life like Cinderellea -- there's a Disney princess themed cocktail for you.
View Article10 Winter Olympic Athletes We Have Girl Crushes On
So I know that every straight woman in the world loves to drool over the male athletes during the Olympics, but what about all the hot female athletes?
View ArticleJessica Simpson Showed Off Her Post-Baby Bod, and She Looks Amazing
Jessica Simpson has gotten a lot of flack in the past for gaining weight, but she wasn't going to take any of that criticism lying down. Homegirl looks amazing.
View ArticleIf You Haven’t Heard of Russian Figure Skater Yulia Lipnitskaia, You’re Doing...
My jaw is still on the floor after watching 15-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaia compete in the women's short program earlier this weekend.
View ArticleGIRLS Recap: Season 3, Episode 6 ‘Free Snacks’ [A Bro’s Thoughts]
Hannah somehow pulled a real job out of her ass that she should be grateful for, but instead remains insufferable
View ArticleCosmic Candy: February 10th – 16th
We are pleased to announce that we’ve teamed up with one of our favorite astrologists (and talented yoga pro), Chani Nicholas, to bring you weekly horoscope readings. Check back each Monday to see...
View ArticleShia LaBeouf Wore Paper Bag On His Head During Nymphomaniac Premiere
This isn't the first time Shia has worn a paper bag on his head but he has officially gone off the deep end.
View ArticleFederal Government To Recognize Same-Sex Marriage In Every State
These rights will include the 34 states where same-sex marriage is illegal. So you have to get married in a state where it is legal but that marriage will be recognized in every state even in ones...
View ArticleI Thought I Met A Good Guy But… [Ask A Dude]
He was a real gentleman and told me adamantly that he wanted to get to know me rather than take me home that night, so he'd text me in the morning. It's been three days now and I've heard nothing yet.
View ArticleThe 10 Best Movies To Watch If You’re Single On Valentine’s Day
Single and alone on Valentine's Day? We're here to help. If you're going to wallow in bed lamenting how you have no-one while you eat inappropriate amounts of snack food, you at least need a good movie.
View ArticleTulane’s Entire Greek System Put On Probation For Hardy Partying
Tulane's entire Greek system, meaning all frats and sororities, have been put on social probation for partying too hard.
View ArticleLena Dunham Gives Fans a Sneak Peak of Her First Book, “Not That Kind of Girl”
Dunham says, “No, I’m not a sexpert, a psychologist, or a registered dietician. I am not a married mother of three or an owner of a successful hosiery franchise. But I am a girl with a keen interest in...
View ArticleTaylor Swift Tells You to Use the “Freeze Out” On Guys, But Is She Right?
“I think everyone should approach relationships from the perspective of playing it straight and giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Until he establishes that this is a game. And if it’s a game,...
View ArticleSelfies With Homeless People Are The Hot New Trend
Is empathy really too much to ask when we're constantly striving for others to understand ourselves? Let's collectively stop acting like tools, please.
View ArticleThis Is Why You’re Only Dating Sh*tty Guys
If you’re an obsessive fan of Sex and the City, like me, you’ll probably remember the scene where Carrie goes off to therapy after her friends talk her into it. Remember when her therapist tells her...
View ArticleSave Your Skin with Eve Lom’s Rescue Mask [In Our Makeup Bag]
Lom promises this mask is for when "your skin is blotchy, suffers from irritable break-outs, jet-lag, or morning-after puffiness" - a universal quick fix or maintenance product!
View Article8 Old Black People That Look Younger Than Lorde
As a brown person I can tell you there has been a long held rumor that, "Black don't crack."
View Article10 Things On My Secret Pinterest Wedding Board
I'm planning my wedding, so I thought I'd head over to Pinterest for some inspiration. Just kidding, I'm not even engaged...or in a relationship.
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