6 Ways To Tell If Your Boyfriend Is Gay
No one wants to be that girl insisting that her boyfriend is straight every time he orders an apple martini from the bar or the friend everybody is whispering about because her boyfriend has more...
View ArticleSo How Old Was Britney When . . . She (Really) Lost Her Virginity, Met K-Fed,...
I decided to shed a little light on how old Britney actually was during certain milestones of her life. The results are a bit shocking.
View Article25 Things To Expect After Graduation In GIFs
It's mostly just depressing but there's a lot of wine. $3 wine.
View ArticleGirl Talk With Jessica McCain from MTV’s The Real World: Portland [Diary of...
In between Hurricane Nia spottings and Javerey makeouts and breakups, another character caught my eye – Jessica. The Southern princess’ sweet, homegrown accent and ex-boyfriend probz were instantly...
View ArticleE! Confirms Beyonce Is Preggo, Like We/BlindGossip Said Aaaages Ago [Sugar...
SUPPOSEDLY, E! has confirmed that Beyowulf is pregnant according to several sources.
View ArticleRecapping ‘Life Size’ Starring Tyra Banks & Lindsay Lohan [Saturday Flashback]
It's a movie, starring Tyra Banks and a young Lindsay Lohan, that's about the struggles of being a doll.
View Article10 Moments No Girl Wants To Relive
But then there are those bad and ugly incidents. The ones you don't want to talk about or even think about ever again. The ones where you wish you could erase from your memory because just thinking...
View ArticleCosmic Candy: May 20 – 26
May 20 - May 26 We are pleased to announce that we’ve teamed up with one of our favorite astrologists (and talented yoga pro), Chani Nicholas, to bring you weekly horoscope readings. Check back each...
View ArticleIn Defense Of Justin Bieber, Because He Got Booed At The Billboard Awards
Don't hate the teenage boy, hate the game.
View ArticleWatch Kanye’s Incredible Performance Of “New Slaves” And “Black Skinhead” On SNL
View ArticleIt’s Time to Unplug! [Ready U Conquer This]
What if I decided not to be plugged in for an extended period of time? What if I just lived in the present moment, looked at the world through my own two eyes instead of my iPhone screen while I...
View ArticleIs Saying You’re Color Blind More Racist? [Candy Dish]
While it's a nice thought that people believe they are so enlightened that the color of someone's skin doesn't matter so much as the content of their character, what they are inadvertently doing is...
View ArticleYou Can Now Sell Your ‘Destiel’ Supernatural Fan Fiction On Amazon
Ship! Ship! Ship! Amazon knows that most of us spend NaNoWriMo writing extensive fan fiction a…
View ArticleRihanna Tweets Her Butt In A Denim Thong Then Deletes It
Bless this woman and her cellulite free ba-donk.
View ArticleCome! Play Musical Marry, F**K, Kill With Us
Marry = Kanye, F*ck = N'Sync, Kill = Taylor Swift (except for that 'Safe and Sound' song—that is my jam)
View Article#TweetLikeTheOppositeGender Is Sexist Men Tweeting Their Butts
The result is mostly guys making fun of girls and reducing them to shallow stereotypes of attention whores, emotional nut jobs, drama queens, "sluts" and other obnoxious generalizations that are...
View ArticleAmanda Bynes Was Arrested Last Night For A ‘Felony Bong Tossing’
Amanda has been arrested on charges of criminal possession of pot, reckless endangerment and felony tampering with evidence.
View Article6 Big Steps We (Hope To) Take In Relationships
Dating can be a pain, and the steps we are "supposed" to take don't help. We all hope that the person we're dating is in it to win it, and we all hope to take certain "steps" to get there!
View ArticleThe Most Ridiculous Weight Loss Trends of All Time
For many of us, this may have been the first weekend we were really able to be in our bikinis. In honor of this emotionally trying time for many of us, I have compiled a list of the most ridiculous...
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