Everyone At Harvard Gets An A, Is That A Bad Thing?
The Harvard Crimson reported that the most common grade students receive in Harvard is an A. It&…
View ArticleCelebs Are Speaking Out on Their Sex Lives…And It’s Weird
From Robin Thicke to Halle Berry, these people are not afraid to hold back, and boy do they really fill us in on some of the more intimate details of their sex lives.
View ArticleThe 20 Most Hideous Tacky Christmas Sweaters For Sale on Etsy
With the Christmas season upon us, holiday party invitations are pouring in and among those you'll no doubt find at least one Tacky Christmas Sweater Party invite.
View ArticleBest Secret Santa Gifts for the Jewelry Junkie [8 Under $20]
We all have that friend (maybe it's you!) who has so many accessories, you rarely see her wear the same piece twice. From majorly shined-out statement necklaces to impossibly tiny mid-finger rings, she...
View ArticleNot Playing Games = Getting Played [Diary of the Undateable]
I pride myself on being a truthful person…always have been. As a kid, when my parents asked me to c…
View ArticleWill A Threesome Hurt My Reputation? Ask A Slut!
“Ask A Slut” is the column where we turn to sexually-liberated women to answer the …
View ArticleThe Best Essential Oils for Your Beauty Routine
If you grew up with acne or any kind of troubled skin, every label convinced you "oil free" was the best way to go. But really, many of these drugstore brands that so proudly display this phrase are...
View ArticleMannequins Based On Disabled Bodies Are Just As Fashionable
When we talk about defying beauty standards we often focus on weight and ultimately leave disabled bodies out of the conversation.
View Article6 Chic Lazy Day Outfits!
Unless there is some sort of an emergency, like a fire, there is no reason to ever walk out of the house in anything other than clothes intended to go out. So as hard as it maybe to put an outfit...
View ArticleDoes Facebook Need A Sympathize Button?
Sympathize may seem strange but if you've ever encountered a status that you wanted to acknowledge without saying, "I like this," you may understand.
View Article2014 Grammy Nominations Have Been Announced!
We took some of the top nominations this year and decided to pick what we thought would be the winners!
View ArticleGot That Travel Itch? Here Are 8 Signs That You Have Wanderlust
Wanderlust, by definition, is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. As twenty-somethings, all we want to do is travel the world and see things we've only looked at...
View ArticleZoe Saldana’s Killer Red Boots [Get The Look]
With a sharp, pointy toe and cool quilted heel cap, we're totally lusting over these badass Louboutins. Unfortunately for our wallets, they cost more than a grand. But not to worry because we know we...
View ArticleGet Your Glitter on Girl! [Beauty Brunch]
That's right, we're obsessed and ain't no one gonna stop us! We love glitter all the livelong day, livelong year and livelong life. And with the holidays finally here, we have an excuse to rock it...
View ArticleMeet Our Makeup Bag: Sonia Kashuk’s Fabulous Cosmetic Bag Collection
What It Is: Sonia Kashuk Triple Train Case, Small Train Case, Travel Duffle and Soft Case Cosmet…
View ArticleThere’s A Flying Beyonce Meme And It Is Incredible
There is a flying Beyonce meme because the internet is an incredible place where all your dreams will come true . . . and then shattered to pieces in a instant. Let's stick to the first part, though,...
View ArticleScience Has Defined ‘Booty Call’ And ‘One-Night Stand’ Because There Is A Big...
Like absolutely none of us have pondered, what actually is the difference between a "booty call" and a "one-night stand" besides the fact that you probably know the trifling mofo who is calling you at...
View ArticleWhich Pop Diva Got Some Boobies For Her B-Day?
Do you think the cake was molded from hers truly?
View ArticleHuffPo Debuts New Section Dedicated to Sexual Assault on College Campuses...
The Huffington Post has added a new section to its ever-expanding website: one entirely devoted to the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. It's called "Breaking the Silence: Addressing Sexual...
View ArticleCollegeCandy Merch Makes the Best Christmas Present for Everyone On Your List
Hate your douchebag cousin Patrick? Get him a pink CollegeCandy baby tee! **Everything's on sale for the holidays!**
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