On Breaking Out Of The Winter Blues
The winter blues have always hit me hard and every year I am caught a little bit off guard by how much the colder seasons affect me.
View ArticleA Guide for Freshman: Seeing Your High School Friends Over Thanksgiving Break
For me, the hardest part about going home after college was always just how different everything was. But also, how everything was the same. Here are five important rules to follow in order to make...
View Article10 Feminists You Should Be Following on Twitter [Lady Bits]
Sometimes Twitter is a depressing place. Like yesterday, for example. Yesterday, the Washington Post, a highly respected news outlet, decided that it would be a good idea to use a graphic description...
View ArticleWhere Comfort Meets Style: Here’s How to Dress Up a Sweatshirt!
We've been absolutely obsessing over sweatshirts this season - and with good reason. Not only are they super warm and comfortable, designers and brands have been dropping some super fly designs as of...
View Article23 Inspirational Quotes That Will Put a Little Happiness In Your Day
Instead of sulking in self-created misery over how slowly the week is going, let's get inspired.
View ArticleA Black San Jose State College Student Is Tormented By Racist Roommates, Uni....
"The three students used racist terms to refer to the young man, displayed Nazi symbols and a Confederate flag in the suite and once attempted to put a U-shaped bicycle lock around his neck, causing...
View ArticleThe Broke Girl’s Guide To Cheap Wine Under $10
We brought you the The Broke Girl's Guide To Drinking On The Cheap, now we're here to give you a list of the finest wines—lol—money can buy. And by money we mean the $8 in nickels and dimes you found...
View ArticleEmbrace The Magic of Coconut Oil in Your Beauty Routine
Forget about all those fancy beauty products you see on the drugstore shelves and displayed at d…
View Article5 Bras Every College Girl Should Own
No matter what your stance is on shopping and fashion, the fact of the matter remains we need to we…
View ArticleEverything You Need to Host a Hometown Wine Wednesday!
Shoot out a mass text, tell everyone to mentally gather their best college stories to share, and inspire yourself with our favorite Wine Wednesday must-haves...
View ArticleDo You Eat Breakfast On Thanksgiving Or Do You STARVE Yourself?
Do you fast all day or are you completely ravenous all day long because AMERICA?!
View ArticleInstagram Photoshops People To Show Them How They “Should” Look
Do people really need to be personally told that they are not good enough on Instagram?
View ArticleThe Best TV Shows to Binge Watch Over Thanksgiving and Winter Break
I'm pretty sure that everyone's just like me promising themselves that we're all going to get a jump start on studying for finals. Let's be honest, that's not going to happen. So instead of watching...
View Article#FirstWorldProblems: All The Things I Am Thankful For Because Most People...
What I have is enough. It's enough. I am not thirsty for food, water or shelter. I don't have an insatiable quench for basic freedoms or opportunities.
View ArticleYour Thanksgiving Article Roundup
Your pre-Turkey day link roundup. It's not like you have anything better to do.
View ArticleWatch All Of Your Favorite ’90s Thanksgiving Episodes Right Here
Get those Snuggies out and relive the only thing you had to look forward to in your childhood: holiday episodes of your favorite morally righteous TV shows. Oh, how I miss TGIF.
View Article4 Natural Exfoliants You Can Find Right in Your Pantry!
DIY beauty is something we're super passionate about here at CollegeCandy. Not only is it way cheaper than buying mediocre drugstore skincare products, there are also no chemicals or nasty ingredients...
View ArticleA Drinking Game To Play With Your Cool Cousins At The Thanksgiving Table
Holidays with family are great, sometimes. But it never hurts to find ways to get you through those awkward catching up moments or those boring hour-long story time sessions you've heard 12 times...
View ArticleCelebrities We’re Thankful For (Because They Make Us Look Better)
For those of us who aren't feeling very thankful this season or are a little down on our luck, we have to look to others as a comparison for why our lives don't completely suck.
View ArticleThe Coolest Thanksgiving Manicures to Help You Digest
Besides being thankful for food, drink, loved ones and this beautiful kickoff to the holiday season, we're also grateful for the manicure. What else would we have to look at while we're typing or...
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