Electric Zoo Festival Canceled Following Two Fatalities
The final day of the three-day Electric Zoo Festival was canceled by the New York City government due to two fatalities that occurred this weekend.
View ArticleCosmic Candy: September 2nd – 8th
We are pleased to announce that we’ve teamed up with one of our favorite astrologists (and talented yoga pro), Chani Nicholas, to bring you weekly horoscope readings. Check back each Monday to see...
View Article14 Stripper Babies, You Heard Me
Happy Labour Day, here are the tackiest child guardians on the web.
View Article5 Must-Read Personal Essays and Long-Form Features to Relax With Today
I wanted to pull together a collection of my favorite personal essays and long-form features for you guys to indulge in before professors start doling out the 100+ page reading assignments.
View ArticleWhat Do Guys Find Intimidating About Women? [Ask A Dude]
What does it mean when a guy says you're intimidating? A good guy friend of mine I've known for years, we're hanging out at his coming home party, family barbeque/get together thing, and he brings up...
View Article20 Celebrities Wearing All White, It’s Labor Day We Must Never Wear White Again!
Why can't you wear white after Labour Day? I never knew the answer to this so I googled it only to find that it had to do with the upper crust of society being super snobby in the 1800s.
View ArticleI’m Turning 21 Today, But I Don’t Really Feel Any Different
It's so strange that right now, I'm too biologically and mentally immature to enjoy a frozen margarita and knock back a few shots with my sorority sisters. But, in a just a few minutes (compared to the...
View ArticleThis 11-Year-Old QT Pie Is Going To Be A College Freshman
What had I accomplished by the time I was 11 years old? Nothing.
View ArticleRevive Your Skin Regimine with Perricone MD Photo Plasma [In Our Makeup Bag]
Photo Plasma is their new offering and an "oil-free moisturizer cream [that] creates an invisible shield against environmental aggressors and guards against UVA and UVB damage."
View ArticleCharlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson to Star in “Fifty Shades of Grey” Movie
After SO MUCH speculation on which actors would be cast-- we even had a few hot guesses -- she had this to say/tweet...
View Article25 GIFs About Getting Sh!t Faced Because The 3-Day Weekend Is Over
Today we honor those who are showing up to work and class an hour late today because they played shot roulette, beer pong or a Pretty Little Liars drinking game (take a show whenever someone gasps!)...
View ArticleScience Says Your Boyfriend Is Jealous Of Your Success
A scientific study found that boyfriends got jealous whenever their girlfriends had success. Way to be pathetic, guys. Laaaaaaaaame-os.
View ArticleDiana Nyad Just Swam From Cuba To Florida. Really. [Lady Bits]
That's right, she's 64 and just swam over 100 miles across the Florida Straits.
View Article7 Reasons I Would Murder My Husband, Zayn Malik, For A Pumpkin Spice Latte
Here are Amber's reasons why a Pumpkin Spice Latte is better than the many, many orgasms Zayn Malik gives to females on a daily basis.
View Article10 Celebrities Who Have Had Threesomes
Celebs be ladies in the streets and freaks in the sheets. Awww, yeeeeeeeah.
View ArticleWhat’s the Deal With Guys Giving You the “Slow Fade”?
Your love disappeared faster than a SnapChat.
View Article“Rich people are thin and poor people are fat,” Wise Words From An...
To one international student from India, studying in America, these are the observations he has made because well, people were nicer to him after he lost weight.
View ArticleBack to School Video Boot Camp: Upper Body Strengthening [CC's ShapeU]
Every Tuesday in September will feature a different workout made specifically for college girls like us -- those with no time or money to hit the gym or hire a trainer, but all the intentions in the...
View ArticleHow to Deal With an Introverted Roommate
We may all want our roommate to be our best friend as well as the perfect person to live with, but introversion can put serious strain on the roomie relationship, particularly if you're not exactly...
View ArticleFarrah Abraham Thinks Feminism Is Lesbianism, WTF?
This is the same girl who thought Trayvon Martin was a girl.
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