Which Denim Style Is Right For You?
A new school year means you should probably treat yourself to at least one new fashion item, and what better than the one thing you'll basically live in for the next months? I'm taking about a new pair...
View ArticleBassist of 5 Seconds of Summer Sends Photo of His 5 Inches of Summer
Calum Hood, the bassist in 5 Seconds of Summer, is just the latest celebrity to show off what's under his American Apparel underwear. Hood, who is 18, sent his low-note to a fan via Snapchat.
View ArticleWatch These Celebrities In Bad Commercials Before They Were Famous
What do Aaron Paul, Morgan Freeman and Britney Spears have in common? They were all in hilariously bad commercials before they were famous. This will literally make your whole morning.
View ArticleReese Witherspoon Turns Into “Elle Woods” For Sick Fan
Reese Witherspoon, but more importantly our favorite lawyer Elle Woods, dressed up as "The Pink Lady" for a four year old fan battling cancer. According to the boy Will's mother, Witherspoon as Elle...
View ArticleFinish Your Summer with “Oryx and Crake” by Margaret Atwood [CC Book Club]
Come talk with us about the dystopian fantasy novel, "Oryx and Crake." And join us again in September as we read "We Were Liars" by E. Lockhart.
View Article“Full House” Might Be Revived Because Nostalgia
So far John Stamos, who plays hunky Uncle Jesse, and Bob Saget have signed on for the project. Apparently the entire revival was actually John Stamos' idea, which is really not at all surprising. The...
View ArticleThe World Is Over: Nude Photos of Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence
UPDATED: Reps for Jennifer Lawrence and other victims release statements.
View ArticleWin An Intel Pavilion x360 2-In-1 Tablet!
Trying to determine what type of device is best for schoolwork productivity and fun entertainment? Stop racking your brains, we know exactly what you need! ...And it just so happens to be this weeks...
View ArticleCosmic Candy: September 1st – 7th
We are pleased to announce that we’ve teamed up with one of our favorite astrologists (and talented yoga pro), Chani Nicholas, to bring you weekly horoscope readings. Check back each Monday to see...
View ArticleDear Women On The Train Putting Makeup On
An ode to the fiercest women in public transportation.
View ArticleThis One Great Bronzer Tutorial Will Show You 5 Ways to Keep Your Summer Glow
Can we get a quick moment of silence for Summer 2014, which is like, on its deathbed? Okay. Done.
View Article17 Emergency Items You Should Bring On Your Next Date
Be prepared for all natural and man-made disasters with these 17 must have emergency items.
View Article“It’s Him Or South Korea. Which Do I Pick?” [Ask A Dude]
I am moving abroad either to his country or South Korea but I can't help but feel influenced by him. Does it seem like he wants to get back together if we only lived nearby? He has even implied if he...
View ArticleEverything You Need to Know About Brunch Etiquette
You chose your spot, usually based off the awesome deal they have, gather your friends together and head out with your shades on because obviously you went out the night before and can’t stand to see...
View ArticleYou Don’t Have to Be Jewish to Love “The Jewish Daughter Diaries” A Little...
If you've ever been the not-so-proud recipient of a guilt trip worthy of its own movie (far superior to that hot mess starring Streisand), this is a must-read.
View ArticleAdele Leaked Two Previously Unreleased, Perfect Songs. Listen Here!
Both tracks are very Adele-y in that they're perfect for cry-singing in the shower after a bad breakup.
View ArticleColumbia Student Is Taking Her Mattress To Class Until Her Rapist Is Expelled
When making rape into performance art is the only way you can be heard.
View ArticleUpdate Your Signature Scent with These 7 Great Perfumes For Fall
In honor of the upcoming fall season, we've gathered some of the best scents for the fall - slightly spicy, a little mysterious and the perfect compliment to your booties and leather jackets.
View ArticleMeet Cary Joji Fukunaga, the Man of All Our Dreams
He just won an Emmy for directing True Detective and wore pigtails on the red carpet. I'm not sure which I find more impressive, but needless to say I'm totally in love. I said it, I meant it, no take...
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