Two Friends Start a Blog and Date for 40 Days to See if Opposites Attract
What happens when two friends make a pact to date for 40 days in order to learn about themselves, their dating techniques and potentially find love in a hopeless place?
View ArticleWhat Is Vagina Steam? OMG, I Don’t Want To Know
You perch over a pot with steaming, boiling water and herbs for 20 to 45 minutes.
View ArticleWe’re Digging Sonia Kashuk’s Kiss on the Cheek Palette [In Our Makeup Bag]
The Sonia Kashuk Kiss on the Cheek Palette gets major points for affordability; only $15 for 4 lip and cheek creams.
View ArticleYour Pretty Little Liars Cheat Sheet: Season 4, Episode 7
This week on Pretty Little Liars was all about the other characters! It was interesting to see the show mix it up a bit but I lacked my usual "Omigod, do these girls have brains?" moments as I watched...
View ArticleThis Is What The Royal Baby Looks Like
Isn't it bizarre that immediately after giving birth to the royal baby, like just a few hours later, Kate Middleton is out and about in heels and makeup?
View ArticleWhy I Became A ‘Liberal’
My mom had to have an emergency abortion because the baby was growing in the wrong part of her body.
View ArticleGet Beach Babe Arms! Plus, Weight-Training Myth Debunked [CC's ShapeU]
When it comes down to it, we tend to focus more on the weight-loss benefits of running and aerobics as opposed to lifting weights. This lends itself to an under-developed upper body, which could be...
View ArticleIntern Advice From April Ludgate Of Parks And Recreation
Pawnee's Parks and Rec intern is deliciously evil, bizarrely sardonic and a morbid representation of young people.
View ArticleThe Only Thing Certain in Life is Uncertainty [Confessions]
I try to be okay with unexpected change and the unknown, but it’s a constant battle I fight. I want to embrace this uncertainty, but my anxiety holds my arms behind my back and whispers in my ear, “Be...
View Article10 Celebrities Married (At Least) 3 Times
Who says love has to last forever? These celebrities who have married at least three times are wi…
View Article7 Tips For Initiating Sex With Dignity
Because who wants to feel like a total trollop? Not me.
View Article17 Celebrities Picking Their Nose
I can't wait until technology invents smell-o-vision so we can curate GIFs of celebrity farts and rate them by the smell.
View ArticleWatch Fiona Apple’s New Music Video For ‘Hot Knife’
Fiona Apple's new music video for 'Hot Knife' is simple, beautiful and moody.
View ArticleMake This Cold Brewed Iced Coffee In 3 Steps, Save Mad $$$
\A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take back my wallet and learn to make my own iced coffee.
View ArticleUh-Oh! Which Politician Is At It Again With the Sexting?
The photo above is just one example of the apparently over 30 pictures that were exchanged between the candidate and a 23 year old woman.
View ArticleOn Moving On After The Break-Up [Dear DBN]
Reveling in the past is like smoking: it’s therapeutic, romantic, and a really shitty thing to spend too much time doing. Relationships end, and it’s painful. But the sooner you pull the knife out of...
View ArticleThey Make Vibrators For Bicycles Now
Breezing by the trees—oh, here we go. Waving to the mailman–almost there. Peddling up a hill—this one is a doozy! Awkwaaaaaaaard.
View ArticleWhat Do Guys Really Think About Sex On The First Date? We Asked!
Keep in mind some of these results aren't typical, and these are all 20-24 year old boys.
View ArticleI Don’t Think I Could Be Attracted to a Sexually Submissive Guy [Sexy Time]
For as long as I can remember, my daydreams/fantasies regarding sex always featured me in a mildly submissive role while the guy was always the more experienced/dominant one.
View Article10 Fat Cats To Make You Say, “Awww,” This Friday
I've had several kitties in my lifetime and none of them have been anything less than skinny bitches.
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