Are you attempting to recover from the long winter? You’re just now able to pop your head outside without a hat guarding it, and you’re finally considering becoming enough of a person to shave your legs. But just because your hibernation is almost over doesn’t mean that you’re ready for spring. The floral dresses in your closet seem to mocking your pasty white skin. Your sandals are totally making fun of your feet, which haven’t seen a pedicure chair in ages. And your hair, which used to be lustrous and bouncy and beautiful is about as limp and dull as your last Tinder date.
If you’ve been straightening your hair daily for the warmth alone, it’s more than likely that it’s about ready to fall off of your head. It’s hard to find the perfect products, that are light and hydrating, without feeling gunky and weighing you down. You’re probably going to splurge a little bit, but if you only use the recommended dollop you’ll be fine. Plus, spring will be here before you know it, and you’ll no longer have to stay ridiculously hydrated, always.
Luckily, there are some quick fixes to make sure you’re back in business before spring is actually here. Before you lose all hope and chop off your hair yourself, know that it doesn’t have to feel like one enormous split end ready to happen with a few simple products and changes to your hair routine.