Laura Wattenberg of Baby Name Wizard wanted to find out what names people thought were sexy. She asked users of her database to rank the 40,000+ names on the website from one to 100 on the sexy scale. Sorry to all the Gertrudes and Bobs out there, but you just didn’t make the cut. It looks like Baby Name Wizard users associated sexy with exotic sounding names that happen to also be shared with famous actors and models.
Did your name rank? If it didn’t, no worries…just because your name isn’t sexy doesn’t mean aren’t.
Top 10 Sexiest Female Names
1. Scarlett
2. Nicolette
3. Natalia
4. Anaïs
5. Paulina
6. Alessandra
7. Chanel
8. Soraya
9. Adrianna
10. Giuliana
Top 10 Sexiest Male Names
1. Alessandro
2. Lorenzo
3. Rhett
4. Romeo
5. Mateo
6. Dimitri
7. Dane
8. Marcelo
9. Dante
10. Rémy
Top 5 Least Sexy Female Names
1. Gertrude
2. Bertha
3. Agnes
4. Ethel
5. Mildred
Top 5 Least Sexy Male Names
1. Bob
2. Ernest
3. Norman
4. Dick
5. Howard