Was sex ed at your school beyond awkward? To make up for lost time, you should immediately enroll at Boston University for their Harry Potter sex class to spice things up.
While Harry Potter was full of life lessons about speaking to snakes, treating your friend who’s a ginger like he’s a real person, and avoiding Voldemort, it wasn’t exactly heavy on the sexy time. (Although there’s definitely enough fan fiction to pretend it is… I assume, obviously.)
Boston might be beyond freezing right now, there’s now a reason to plan a trip to BU. Two grad students, Michelle Goode and Jamie Klufts, are organizing a seminar called “Sex-ed” at Hogwarts for the school’s monthlong sex health series, “Frisky February.” When Goode and Klufts realized that there was less than 0 sex talk at Hogwarts, they decided to create this class. Let’s be real, here — even Twilight had more talk of penetration, and that’s truly saying something.
The course will cover responsible drinking, contraception, STDs, and consensual intimacy, all with a Harry Potter twist. Grab your Firebolt and head to Boston University for the best sex ed class ever.