Oh, standards. We’ve all been there. After a crazy night where your last memory is dancing on the bar, you get the dreaded email saying you have a standards meeting. Your heart drops then your eyes roll because it couldn’t be that bad…right? Before texting all 30 of your closest friends to try to figure out what happened, scroll through this list. Maybe it will spark your (lack of) memory.
1. You posted an inappropriate pic on social media.
Even if your standards chair isn’t patrolling your Instagram, someone else might have seen something and alerted the authorities. Any pictures of underage drinking, being where you weren’t supposed to be, or a nip slip? You’re screwed.
2. Things got hot and heavy at a party.
Sometimes dancing turns into grinding, which turns into a sloppy make out, which turns into not-so-slyly leaving with a guy. Apparently it looks bad for the chapter. Don’t be sorry.
3. You didn’t pay dues or fines.
You were probably hoping they forgot about that, I mean, it just slipped your mind.
4. You got kicked out of the bar.
When security steps in, standards isn’t far behind. As if getting physically carried out of the bar with everyone you’ve ever met witnessing wasn’t embarrassing enough.
5. You publicly vommed.
People throw up when they drink sometimes. You, however, might have made a spectacle by spending an hour in the bathroom or running outside and puking in the bushes. Just lie and say you actually weren’t that drunk, you had food poisoning.
6. Your grades suck.
Pulling down the chapter’s GPA will earn you a meeting with the standards chair and the academics chair. Don’t they realize this meeting takes away from studying and trying to get those grades back up?
7. You were embarrassingly drunk.
If you haven’t been sent to standards for being too drunk, you’re doing it wrong. Say you’re sorry and buy standards chair a beer at the bar this weekend.