It’s official! Spring Break is just around the corner. It’s time to put down the leftover Valentine’s Day chocolates and get your butt to the gym. If you’re part of the majority that has been living in an Arctic tundra the past few weeks and is currently refusing to leave your dorm, here’s 6 workouts that will get you that beach bod. Minus the cold.
1. Side-Lying Leg Raises:
A workout can’t get much easier than this. you’re basically lying on the ground. The little movement you are doing will target your Glutes and hip abductors.
2. Thigh Leg Lifts:
There will be no thunder thighs in your beach selfies with this workout.
3. New York Times Seven-Minute Workout:
You may have to kick out your roommate for a little extra space with this workout, but with these moves being the equivalent of a 45-minute run and lift session, she’ll probably try it right after you. All you need is a chair! Do each exercise for 30 seconds with a 10 second break between each move.
4. Bikini Blaster Ab Workout:
These 3 moves are challenging, but don’t give up! Just think about how amazing your toned abs will look, definitely worth the pain!
5. Four Steps to a Better Butt:
Working your butt off is just a cute phrase, with these moves, you’ll end up with a butt like Kim K.
6. Tricep Dips:
Spring Break and tank tops go hand in hand, try this workout to get killer arms for your vacation. Position yourself like the image below, you can bend both arms at once, or try challenging yourself and bending one at a time. Do this for 60 seconds, or until you feel like crying. Bonus: Lift the opposite leg of the arm you are bending or an added butt workout!
Next time you feel like snacking on chocolate during class, repeat this mantra: Beach Bod. Beach Bod. Beach Bod.