Senioritis. Every spring semester the disease spreads through the graduating class with no help for a cure until graduation finally arrives. Donning the cap and gown is still months away, but for seniors everywhere, it can’t come soon enough. Suddenly school work takes a backseat to drinking, getting Instagram likes, napping, and well, everything. Be careful if you start showing signs of this illness…the effects can be deadly.
1. Getting dressed for class looks something like this.
2. But honestly, you feel like your professor should consider themselves lucky you even made the effort to come.
3. Considering you miss approximately half your classes.
4. “YOLO” becomes your motto and reason to do everything.
5. Like throw a party on a Tuesday night.
6. Or day drink on a Wednesday.
7. Or pregame an exam.
8. You can’t believe the professors have the audacity to keep assigning papers.
9. All your assignments are done hours before they are due.
10. Obviously, not well.
11. Your other motto: “C’s Get Degrees.”
12. You have a couple close friends left, but everyone else needs to GTFO.
13. You stopped trying to make up good excuses for missing events.
14. Because watching cat videos feels more important than studying.
15. You spend more time calculating the lowest grade you can get and still pass than working on assignments.
16. Basically, you’re just counting down the days until freedom.