Are you looking for dorm room decor inspiration, and tired of what you’re finding on Pinterest? It’s so basic — all those repurposed mason jars get old after a while. Plus, don’t you want to leave your mark, quite literally, when it comes to college? If you answered “yes” to the above questions, this Sylvia Plath graffiti DIY is for you.
When I moved into my dirty freshman dorm, “sex” was carved into the desk. It really made me feel at home. Why not leave even more of a mark by tagging your door with inspirational graffiti, courtesy of every English Lit majors favorite author, Sylvia Plath? (*favorite other than Joan Didion, of course.)
Someone in Queens was obviously feeling v. inspired by Sylvia (or Slyvia, as it may be), and they tagged their home with a quote from her Unabridged Journals. The home was captured by photographer Jessica Lehrman on Instagram, and it was such a solid ‘gram it didn’t even need a filter. It says: “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
If you’re feeling distracted while studying and are about to give up on writing anything, including your essay that’s due in an hour, just look to this Plath quote for inspiration. You can either pin it, or graffiti it across your doorway, the choice is yours. Hopefully it will cure your writer’s block forever.