Do you feel like every girl you know is full of feelings, while all dudes care about is getting it in and sports? Apparently, you’re way wrong. Dudes are secretly even more feels city than the ladies.
A new study says that men fall in love more times than women do. Said study was done by researchers for Häagen-Dazs, which makes sense because ice cream makers benefit most from a break-up.
The survey, which spoke to 2,000 adults about their romantic relationships, found that 47% of women and 39% of men think they’ve only had one love. That means more than half of the men surveyed think they’ve had more than one true love in their lifetime. It’s unclear if the men were talking about falling in love with Kate Upton via the internet or real life women, but they certainly are more full of feelings than we thought.
If you’re scared because you have yet to find your OTL, don’t despair. 5% of both genders say they’ve never fallen hard, but most were under 24, so they’ve got plenty of time for future heartbreaks.