If you’ve ever wondered how the evolution of Kim Kardashian’s closet went down, The Daily Beast is here to show you in explicit detail. Apparently, the always-controversial Kanye pulled a total Christian Grey and overhauled everything. If you’re surprised that Kanye is a control freak, then you’re probably the only one. While it’s creepy, there’s no way Kim Kardashian would be on the cover of Vogue if she was still wearing those Juicy sweatsuits.
Kanye really did a service to society by forcing her to throw out a shearling line bag (seriously, would the contents get cold?) but if he hadn’t done his She’s All That worthy style overhaul, the Kardashian klan wouldn’t be all over the internet every day, so… it’s hard to want to thank him. Like Kanye, I’d prefer more Bey, less Kim K.