This Valentine’s Day, celebrate your loveless-ness (or your good fortune to have someone who will buy you chocolate) with the start of your favorite TV character’s domestic bliss.
Smallville Clark Proposes to Lana
This isn’t romantic so much as really really funny. He makes a diamond and melts it into the ring. You should have gone to Kay, dude.
Friends Candler Proposes to Monica
It looks like an early ’90s R&B video, but the sentiment is there. And look, everyone’s so happy for them.
Boy Meets World Topanga Proposes to Cory
Not at all showy, but sweet, and very well-timed for dramatic impact.
Grey’s Anatomy Derek Proposes to Meredith
Yes this one is super cute and very personalized (no way did he reuse any material from his Addison proposal) but on a practical note, what if someone had needed that elevator? Like a horribly injured person who had come to the hospital for medical attention? Would Richard just have done his whole you shall not pass thing to them?
Gilmore Girls Lorelai Proposes to Luke
Not all proposals have to be planned out. This spontaneous popping of the question comes from a build up of love inspired by seeing a true expression of love and their faces are at 100% this is the best person ever and god it’s just adorable.
Parks and Rec Ben Proposes to Leslie
He’s just so patient! Because he loves her! They are crying and everyone’s crying and it’s beautiful.