There are times in college where you don’t want to bring your laptop and would rather use your iPad or Tablet to do your writing. They are easier to carry around and much more convenient for the active student. In today’s world that’s what you need more than anything to keep your notes organized and up to date.
With so many different note taking apps that are out today, it’s hard to choose the best one. While some can come at a great cost others are free; and even if you buy the most expensive note app, sometimes it still isn’t the greatest. Below are some apps that have been tried out and while their costly counter parts are worth it, you can at least try the app first before paying for it.
This Apple app from Evernote has an easy interface and cool design. Easy to use, the app allows you to zoom into where you’re writing and make your writing smaller instead of a sentence being across the whole page. With different sizes of pen and multiple colors you can style your notes as you please. You can even high light and add your own pictures. This app is free to download.
Like the above this Apple app allows you to zoom in to make your notes more precise. It has a pen and pencil feature with multiple colours to choose from. It also offers multiple different languages and provides a cut/ copy feature. With its tutorial it teaches you everything you need to know in order to use this app. This app was also free to download.
This app has seen many great reviews in its past and for good reason. It features movable and resizable ink with the zoom in ability. As well as photo add ins and different fonts for you to choose from. You can download this app for free on Apple to try it out, and if you like it then purchase the full app for 8.99, and receive even more features.
It’s not only good to make sure you have all your notes down for class, it is also necessary to keep your brain active too. With brain training apps not only can you work on keeping your brain moving and fit, but you can also do it on the go with different games specially made for your brain!
If your one of the many people who hate writing and would rather listen to the professor, or just say your entire note, this is the app for you. Once it dictates it turns the recording into a note. It almost has perfect speech recognition and will even take into account how your friends names may be spelled, or your own little dictionary. Unfortunately it isn’t great if your professor is far away (I tried it) but if he’s close enough it catches everything. This app is free to download on Apple.
Easy to use this is literally its title. Out of all the notes this one you can type instead of write which means it is your own keyboard in which you can use your speech function to put down your note. This is an everything app which was free to download.