College is fantastic. When else in your life are you going to live amongst all your friends for the price of a few hours of class per day? However there are a few dream jobs that would make you pack up your dorm room and bid goodbye to campus in a heartbeat.
Your parents always said you could be whatever you wanted to be, right?
1. A mattress tester.
2. The person who names lipstick colors.
3. A Disney World ride consultant.
4. A Disney World princess.
5. Actually, anything related to Disney.
6. A unicorn.
7. A mermaid.
8. Wonder Woman.
9. Professional beach bum.
10. Puppy petter.
11. Mila Kunis.
12. Full time blowout model.
13. Ice cream taster.
14. A judge on “The Voice.”
15. Ghostbuster.
16. Wine tester.
17. Power Ranger.
18. Ninja.
19. Professional concert attendee.
20. Jacuzzi consultant.
21. Brewmaster.
22. Channing Tatum’s wife.
23. Band groupie.
24. Blue Ivy’s nanny.
25. A person who puts leis on people when their plane lands in Hawaii.