Second semester is awesome….in theory.
In reality, once you reach that halfway point in the academic year you start to get a little restless. The tests seem never-ending, your living situation seems stifling and it gets so much harder to stay productive when the winter finally gives way to spring.
With that being, said, there are simple ways to ensure you’re having the best second half of your year possible. These five suggestions just may hold the key to your best semester ever.
1. Take a completely random class.
I would argue that it’s always a great idea to throw a class that’s completely off-the-wall and unrelated to your major into the mix. It’s especially important once you hit the spring semester, though, because that’s when you start to feel like you’re in an academic rut. Think about it: You get as many required classes out of the way during the fall and then take one class purely for fun/personal enrichment in the spring. It’s a great way to throw something new into the mix without worrying that it’ll totally derail you.
2. Choose a weeknight for outings.
Going out during the week is sort of what college is all about, isn’t it? Honestly I always thought making a big deal of Tuesday nights was even more than going out on a Saturday. It’s a great way to make the week go by faster and make sure you have something other than Friday night to look forward to when the week begins. You and your friends should schedule classes in such a way that you can all sleep in a bit one day of the week so you’re free to enjoy the night before without stressing about morning classes. Obviously classes come first but trust me when I say that fun weeknights are integral to the whole college experience.
3. Get outside whenever possible.
Can I get a hallelujah? Winter is finally, finally, finally on its way out, which means that soon enough the weather will be awesome. As soon as it gets nice outside, take every opportunity to soak up some vitamin D. Study outside occasionally, eat lunch in the quad, go for walks when you need a study break. Enjoying the nice weather is crucial to making the most of the spring semester.
4. Try everything.
Whether it’s splurging on a nice dinner at the cool new restaurant in town, switching it up and going to a different bar than you usually do or even befriending someone outside your regular circle, new experiences are what college is all about. If you normally go to frat parties, try hitting a nearby bar (if you’re legal, that is!) If you’ve never been into wine, try taking a tasting course (again, if you’re legal.) Try an exotic cuisine you’ve never heard of before – you may end up loving it. Experiencing different things will open your mind and improve your entire college experience, not just your spring semester.
5. Visit your high school friends.
Sometimes getting off campus is so necessary. Sure, going to visit your parents is also great and relaxing but what about your high school friends? Going to see them is awesome because it’s like an affordable mini vacation (no need to pay for a hotel!) You’ll get to do fun college-y things when you visit them but you’ll get to do them in a different setting, which can be really nice and you’ll also get to meet their college friends while you’re at it. Keeping in touch with old friends can be difficult in college but making an effort to reconnect with a friend from high school is a great way to keep the lines of communication open.