On Reign, the CW show about 14th century politics and Free People dresses, Mary Queen of Scots has four (er, three, RIP tiny blond child) Greer the perpetually screwed, Lola the brave (but, also, honestly, often dealt a bad hand) and Kenna (played by the equally awesome Caitlin Stasey) the total badass. We’re introduced to Kenna in the pilot as the girl who convinces her besties all the cool kids are attending the royals losing their virginity party, only to peace out early and go masturbate in a dark, yet still public corner. There she runs into the king, and after a moment of fluster, readily accepts his offer to help her out. And thus begins a problematic, but not tragic love affair.
Throughout her affair with the king, Kenna is a little naive, but never loses herself. She lets herself believe Henry is in love with her, but once that proves false she dusts herself off and strikes a business deal (a sexy business deal, but this was the 1500s, her choices were limited). Then when Henry cracks up (in a very homicidal way) she’s the one ready to do mission impossible tactics for queen and country (all in stunning dresses).
And then came the marriage to Bash. And the plague. And a brief sort of foster-mother gig. Through it all Kenna hasn’t taken anything sitting down. She knows she’s worth respect and she demands it, at a time when many women weren’t demanding anything. She could definitely take the royal staff from Mary any day she felt like taking a little break.