The Super Bowl is the one time per year that you don’t want to fast forward through the commercial breaks. These commercials cost a pretty penny ($4 for a 30-second spot) so advertisers are going to pull out all the stops to grab your attention.
You can wait for the game to see this year’s commercials or you can watch them right here now! This way, you’re guaranteed not to miss a second because you have to head to the bathroom or make a beer run.
1. Carl’s Jr.
The burger chain released its Super Bowl commercial featuring model Charlotte McKinney last week. Your boyfriend has already watched it eight times.
2. McDonald’s
Apparently, you might get free McDonald’s during pre-selected times between February 2nd and 14th. Well, not exactly free – you must pay with high-fives, dancing, or other ways to express “Lovin’.”
3. T-Mobile
Last year, T-Mobile’s Super Bowl ad was text-based and ended with, “Maybe next year, we’ll do an ad with overpaid movie stars.” Well, they got Kim Kardashian.
4. Kia
Pierce Brosnan gets behind the wheel and channels his James Bond times in the car commercial.
5. Snickers
This spoof on The Brady Bunch features Danny Trejo as Marcia. There’s something you never thought you’d see.
6. Budweiser
I live for cute animals and beer so this is pretty much the best commercial ever, IMHO.
7. Always
8. Nationwide
Mindy Kaling is only in one commercial?
9. Eat24
The ad for food delivery app and website Eat24 features Snoop Dogg and Gilbert Gottfried, but you’ll only see it air on television if you’re in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Miami and Baltimore.
10. Victoria’s Secret
It’s pretty much what you’d expect from a Victoria’s Secret commercial.