There are plenty of single ladies who are perfectly happy with their relationship status. “We don’t need a man” and all that jazz. Totally understandable. Not having a boyfriend means lots of great things, like not worrying about wearing cute panties all the time. However, there is a time when you start showing early signs of Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome.
1. The cute cashier smiled at you and you felt the need to text your friend about it.
2. Your idea of fine dining is take out from Chipotle.
3. The last time you were touched naked was during a $70 massage.
4. You’ve considered sending flowers to yourself so your roommates stop worrying.
5. Your phone has an embarrassing number of dating apps.
6. Weekends only consist of running errands and wine nights.
7. Your call history is full of your parents and the pizza place down the road.
8. When you hear the word “bae,” your pillow is the first thing that comes to mind.
9. You spend an extraordinary amount of time in old sweatpants.
10. Shaving your legs is not happening as often as it probably should.
11. Your mom starts to send you articles about where to find guys.
12. Watching dating shows results in you throwing the remote and anything else within reach at the TV.
13. Your friends know better than to bring up their own relationships around you.
14. Your only recent cuddle buddy is your dog.
15. Sharing your bed sounds like torture.
16. Seeing Valentine’s Day candy in stores puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
17. An engagement announcement on Facebook makes you want to kick babies.
18. You change the song every time something lovey-dovey comes on.
19. You realize you wouldn’t want to date someone who has been single for as long as you because there must be something wrong with them.
20. You hit the gym just to see if there is any good eye candy.