If you’ve ever spent time around dudes (fraternity or not), you know that for the most part they’re not the cleanest creatures. They leave the toilet seat up, their razors are always lying around and absolutely disgusting, and sometimes old pizza can be found in the strangest of places.
If you’ve been to fraternity parties, you’ve truly experienced the dirtiest scenarios on college campuses/in life — beer soaked floors sticky with sweat, cups being re-used despite numerous cold sores, and decorations that look like they were taken out of the garbage. But, no matter how many frat parties you’ve been to, you’ve never seen anything like this.
Students at the University of Michigan caused $75,000 worth of damage at a ski resort during a weekend trip. There were members from six different fraternities and sororities — Sigma Alpha Mu, Pi Kappa Alpha Chi Psi fraternities, and Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma sororities. Pictures prove that they absolutely went rogue and trashed the place. I’m not talking leaving behind beer cans and Solo cups — they ripped off cabinet doors and managed to destroy the ceiling.
Sigma Alpha Mu is under serious fire for it and might even be kicked off campus. The resort hasn’t charged them yet, but I sense a lot of bake sales in their future…