Pinterest may deliver plenty of outfit/recipe/fitness inspiration but sometimes we just need to pretend it’s still 1999 and pick up a damn book.
If you choose the right one, it’ll keep you engaged and nearly breathless until you’ve reached the last page – and Gone Girl isn’t the only book out there that has the power to do that. I just finished #GIRLBOSS, the read from Nasty Gal’s founder, and it’s exactly the book you need in your life. It’s a super quick read, it’s wildly trendy and it’s both funny and straight-up inspirational. It tells the story of how Sophia Amoruso built Nasty Gal, establishing it as a hugely successful business despite the fact that she never went to college or set out to get rich.
#GIRLBOSS wasn’t a perfect book by any means, but it did have a dose of realism that we all need. It pulled back the veil and exposed the secrets of one successful woman who didn’t do many of the things we think we need to do in life (like getting good grades or making a plan and sticking to it.)
It is the perfect read for anyone who wants to make it big in a creative field like fashion, but it is far from the only book that’ll motivate you to get of your ass and work for your goals. These 7 books are all inspirational, albeit in different ways, and are exactly what you need to beat your winter-induced lazy slump.