Meet your new Broadway crush (if you didn’t have an old one, it’s time to remedy that) Jeremy Jordan. Theater geeks will recognize Jordan from his starring roles in Newsies and Bonnie and Clyde, while theater geeks and the friends they had over for viewing parties might recognize him from Smash. Next month he’ll hit the big screen as Anna Kendrick’s boyfriend turned husband turned reason she’s sing-sobbing in the trailer in the musical The Last Five Years. But none of that’s important right now. What’s important is this video of Jordan covering Celine Dion’s “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now.” Watch his beautiful face while he hits all the beautiful notes, and try not to notice when he brings up the “nights of endless pleasure” because then it’ll all be too much. When you get tired of replaying the video (a long, long time from now) there’s plenty more Jordan to enjoy on the Newsies soundtrack. You’re welcome.