We’ve all been there. The first time you see an ex after a break-up is the most uncomfortable experience a girl can have. The sweaty palms, that feeling in the pit of your stomach, the hope that someone, anyone, will text you so it seems like you’ve got something going on. T. Swizzle and ex-BF Harry Styles had a beyond awk encounter at the Sunset Marquis in West Hollywood. They were celebrating Kings of Leon member Caleb Followill’s birthday (which makes sense because he’s married to Lily Aldridge, a Vicky’s Secret model — and everyone knows that Taylor’s a glorified one).
When former man bun Harry Styles approached and tried to act friendly with Taylor, girlfriend was suddenly v. interested in whatever was happening on her phone. In fact, it looked like at one point, she even pretended to take a call. There were rumors that their relationship wasn’t exactly real, despite the fact that the dude in her Trouble video looks suspiciously like him, but this unfortunate encounter proves that something happened between the pair, even if he was just a not-boyfriend.
Whether you’ve awkwardly pretended to text on your way to class to avoid making eye-contact with last night’s hookup, or you’ve studiously avoided even speaking to him despite the fact that you share friends, this video is definitive proof that T. Swift is the ultimate spirit animal. It also shows that she hasn’t moved on to someone new yet, because once you have you want to rub it in all of your exes faces, because science.
Stars — they’re just like us! Especially when it comes to awkward run-ins with exes.