If you’re a fan of Reign, you know Kenna, played by actress Caitlin Stasey, is the most opened minded of Mary’s ladies when it comes to sexuality. When she falls for the king, she decides saving herself for marriage just isn’t for her, when she’s falls out of love she’s fine with striking a friends with benefits deal to get his help, and when she finds two female servants hooking up she just reminds them to have their tryst somewhere with a door. Now Stasey has launched a website, Herself, which features profiles of woman shedding their clothes and talking about what it was like for them to be a girl and become a women, as well as their opinions on things like monogamy and contraception. Stasey explained she created the site after being inspired by some of the recent online feminist campaigns, telling Daily Life “”With #yesallwomen and #freethenipple I was opened up to a whole world of women struggling for equality, demanding to be heard and finding empowerment through honesty and solidarity. I want to help demystify the female form, to assist in the erasure of coveting it, and to help celebrate the ever changing face of it.”
Stasey herself has a profile on the site, saying about casual sex, “As long as it’s consensual casual sex is an incredible tool to empower yourself with, help you learn your own body & it’s needs. Just BE SAFE.”
The project has nine profiles up now for you to explore.