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The Best Actual Advice For Sorority Recruitment


sorority recruitment secrets

Sorority recruitment can feel downright terrifying. You’re surrounded by girls who are gorgeous, towering over you in high heels  you’re pretty sure you’d fall on your face in, and worst of all — they’re singing at the top of your lungs. It’s hard to hear yourself speak, let alone form witty sentences that will make them want you as part of their ~sisterhood~ immediately. Before you give up all hope and join the business frat instead, read on.

If you’ve known you were going to rush since you were but a wee babe, you’ve probably consulted friends and even sites like this one for advice on what to wear and say. Unfortunately, the advice is often v. vague, like “Put your best foot forward!” and “They’ll love you no matter what!”

If you’re trying to figure out what that exactly means, here’s what you need to know.

1. Have some talking points ready (like celebrities do)

sorority conversation starters

I’m not in any way telling you to prepare a long speech about your greatest fears and personal secrets, but be ready to talk for hours. Literally. No one wants to hear about your dorm, major, and hometown over and over again (believe me, by the end you’ll be tired of it, too), so think of funny TV shows you’re obsessed with and a good story from the party you went to over the weekend so you’re prepared.

If you’re intimidated by the older girls, just know that their Spanx are painful, they’ve been awake for an unhealthy amount of hours, and they already know where you went to middle school. Get to know the older girls as people, because they’re looking for a little to be obsessed with, not a high school resume come to life.

2. Whatever you do, don’t discuss the 5 b’s

sorority rush girls

Booze, boys, bucks, Bush, and beliefs should all be off limits. This is in no way a hard rule. If you’re obsessed with Hillel, let the girl you’re talking to know. If you’re a young Republican, feel free to share. If you went to the best party of your young life last weekend, have a clever anecdote from it ready to go, like a celebrity on the red carpet pre-show.

But, don’t get too personal, unless you’re feeling a bond like no other (and you’re 100% positive they feel it, too). The last thing you want to do is bring up the adorable KA you hooked up with last weekend, only to learn that he’s also seeing a sister, or talk about vomiting at a frat house at your first college party, leaving them signaling for a rescue.

You don’t need to treat these girls like actual adults (because they’re just as nervous as you), but you should be on your best behavior. Think your most sparkling self when you’re trying to impress a new boy and you’ve had one drink, not the you that appears 5 Fireball shots deep, triple texting the guy from class you think is cute.

3. Know the recruitment secrets from the other side

sorority rush secrets

Are you absolutely terrified of talking to stranger dangers who are solely there to judge you? Don’t be — seriously. These girls have been cyberstalking you for weeks, because they’re as eager to find potential sisters as you are to find a place where you fit in. They’re going to try to pair you up with girls you at least have something in common with, so try to find common ground (other than the fact that you both go to the same school).

Whether you feel like discussing your mutual appreciation for Gossip Girl Netflix marathons or your love of the same fraternity, try to move away from the information that they already know about you from watching a million PowerPoint presentations (super creepy, sorry).

Be yourself, and don’t be scared to bring up certain topics because they’re not the basics. You’re going to talk to tons of different girls at every house, so don’t let yourself get swept up in the image of everything. Try to find a connection with someone, and they’ll be way more likely to remember you, and to fight for you to be their sister.

[Image via Tumblr]

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