So you’re a guys’ girl. You prefer sports to stilettos and would rather down a Budweiser than a fruity mixed drink. Being “one of the guys” definitely has its benefits as well as its downfalls.
Con: People always assume you’re dating one of them.
Pro: You always have a pretend boyfriend when a creepy guy at a party is hitting you.
Con: There’s no one to wait in the bathroom line at the bar with you.
Pro: You never have to worry about losing your spot at the pong table.
Con: Any girls they date are super intimidated by you.
Pro: You have someone to stand in line for the bathroom with.
Con: Whenever you bring a love interest around, they get super protective of you and tease him mercilessly.
Pro: Their big brother attitudes will ensure you find a quality guy.
Con: You often get TMI on their sex lives.
Pro: Picking up helpful hints on what guys like and what they don’t.
Con: When you go out to eat, they want to go to Hooters.
Pro: Hooters has really good wings.
Con: You regularly are called “dude,” “man,” or “bro.”
Pro: It’s better than being called “bitch” or “bae.”
Con: It’s kind of boring.
Pro: There’s no drama.
Con: There’s no one to swap clothes and makeup with.
Pro: Getting ready only takes 15 minutes.
Con: You’ll inevitably develop feelings for one of them.
Pro: He’ll probably develop feelings for you too.