We are part of a generation that may or may not have a sixth sense that notifies us when our phone is ringing so the “I didn’t see your text” excuse is usually invalid. This makes a guy not returning our emoji-ridden affections a perfectly good reason to go crazy. Who hasn’t told themselves one (or all) of these? Oh, the torture.

1. He’s probably still asleep. 1 PM is still pretty early for a Saturday.
2. Maybe it didn’t send. Should I resend it?
3. He could be in the shower. Long showers are totally normal for guys.

4. I bet he lost his phone at the bar last night.
5. Or left it in the taxi.
6. Or it got stolen.

7. It might be broken and he’s rushing to the store now to get it fixed. The wait at the phone stores are sooo long.
8. Maybe it’s my phone that’s broken? I’ll just send out some test texts to my BFF.
9. I’m sure he saw the message and is just making me sweat it out. He knows how to play the game.

10. He’s probably calling his mom. He’s so great.
11. Or it’s a family emergency and the hospital has bad service.
12. He works on the weekends sometimes, I think. At least he did once.

13. Battery life sucks – his phone is probably dead.
14. Oh my god, he’s probably with that ugly bitch who was hitting on him last weekend.
15. Could he have been abducted?
16. He’s dead. He’s definitely dead.
…But then those three little dots appear and everything is okay in the world.