Nicholas Sparks gave a gift to journalists everywhere today when he announced he’s separating from his wife Cathy Sparks. Leads include references to a lack of happy endings, extreme irony, and a closed book. While normally I’d be against taking pun-driven pleasure in the pain of others, this is the man who gave us The Last Song, so it seems fair. The couple has been married since 1989, though no word if their courtship included handmade telescopes, a letter every day for a year, or class differences ultimately overcome by really, really long make-out sessions. The two have three children, and I imagine a large collection of movie posters featuring white people almost kissing. Here’s hoping the former Mrs. Sparks can find love again, and Mr. Sparks starts writing really angsty break-up books that don’t really lend themselves to movie adaptations.
[Alberto E. Rodriguez/ Staff/ Getty Images]