Know that no matter what you do this year, your 2015 will still be better than this woman who thought she was sexy Santa Claus. You know how you sometimes take stalking your ex to the next level? Driving by his house, looking at all of his old Facebook photos, casually running into him at the campus bar? Well, no need to feel ashamed of your obsession, because a 35-year-old woman in Florida (obviously) has it far worse than you do.
The homeowner, Tony Hernandez, said that the naked woman is actually the mother of his three children. When she couldn’t get into the house at 5 in the morning, she climbed onto the roof and attempted to enter that way. It’s unclear if the woman’s kids thought that she was Santa Claus.
While I’ve spent a night or two sneaking in through a window, chimney sweeping will never be my thing. I guess the woman feels me, because she took off all of her clothing to try to enter. Maybe it was an expensive outfit, or maybe she thought she’d have a better chance without something snagging.
It took firefighters two hours to free her, and they had to break the fireplace open.