You’re home for winter break and of course that means you’re bound to run into some hometown people you were hoping to avoid. But it never works out that way! Here are the five types of people you’re bound to see over the holidays.
1. The “Catch Up” Queen
This is the girl that you were kind of friends with in high school because she was kind of friends with everyone. She’s nice enough but the two of you were never really that close. You’ll see her at the grocery store, which leads to her wanting to meet up with you for a coffee date. You’ll go because you have nothing else to do but you’ll find out you’re just one of the twenty people on her list.
2. The Old Crush
There was always that person that got your heartstrings fluttering in high school and never knew that you existed. Of course, you’ll see them the one time you left the house without looking your absolute best. Most likely, you’ll try to avoid eye contact and duck behind strangers so they won’t see you. If you’re lucky, you’ll run into your crush at the bar, having become a much more confident, glamorous person. Holiday hook-up?
3. The Ex-BFF
Most people have that one friend that they thought they’d never outgrow but around middle school/early high school, you have an epic BFF break-up, which can be worse than any romantic one. You’ve avoided them over the years but on break, you’re forced to go to the town tree-lighting ceremony (or something equally hokey) and that ex-BFF is there! You’ll have an awkward catch-up on the spot and your parents will ask, “Why aren’t you two friends anymore?”
4. THAT Relative
Everyone has one relative that they cannot stand for one reason or another. Luckily, you’re only forced to see them two or three times a year and winter break is that time. Depending on how big your family is, you might be able to get out of being seated next to each other at dinner gatherings but if not, then you need to practice your neutral face for every time they say something annoying.
5. Your Crew
Not everyone you see over winter break is the worst! The best part about going home for the holidays (after family, goodwill to all men on Earth, and all that) is that it’s a chance to reunite with friends you don’t go to school with. Your hometown suddenly looks that much better when you’re finally old enough to go to bars with friends or have the chance to do throwback activities like ice skating and sleepovers. It’s the true meaning of winter break!