“Friends with benefits” might be one of the most complicated relationships you could possibly get yourself into. This kind of relationship typically starts off really fun and convenient (a best friend who you can make out with? SCORE!) but almost always, someone ends up getting feelings which results in ruining the friendship all together. Buzz kill.
But FWB doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. In fact, it could actually work if you follow these 8 rules:
1. You are 100% honest about your motives.
2. You genuinely do not care about what he does after you’re done … doing stuff.
3. If he wasn’t your friend, you probably wouldn’t even give him the time of day.
4. When one of your girlfriends hits on him, you’re like:
5. He tells you about this hot chick he met at the bar and you’re like:
6. Your idea of “grabbing dinner” with him is like …
7. He never makes you smile like THIS:
8. No, that last one was important. If you EVER look like this in his presence, FWB will ruin your life.