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The 5 Old School Beauty Trends We Fear The Most


throwback thursday 90s

It’s no secret that the nineties are back in full force. The presence of that mostly amazing decade is felt so keenly in the fashion world right now – from overalls to Doc Martens to shirts-tied-around-the-waist, so many of the trends we thought we had put to bed for good are rising Pheonix-like from the ashes of The Secret World of Alex Mack marathons and piles full of pogs. I mean, they’re even selling Surge again. That may have nothing to do with fashion but it certainly is a sign that the nineties are making a triumphant return.

I for one am pretty happy about this, mostly because I’ve been waiting for the day when I could feel slightly ironic but also totally on trend when wearing my Clueless sweatshirt. I also happen to be in a pretty serious love affair with mauve lipstick, another major contribution from the nineties pool of style. With that being said, there are a few trends I really don’t care to see again. Ever. Here are five nineties beauty trends that really might just crop up sooner than we know.

1. Dark lip liner with light lipstick

dark lip liner

WHY WAS THIS EVER CONSIDERED COOL? It just makes everyone look sick. Or confused, like they couldn’t decide whether to go bold or go neutral. I really hope we evolve past the point of committing this crime again. If anyone tries to make it happen in the present, I predict it will be Kylie Jenner.

2. Butterfly clips

butterfly clips

I mean, they were totally my jam when I was….10. I think I even still have a few lying around somewhere. I guess that means I’ll be prepared if this trend decides to rear its (let’s just say it) ugly head again?

3. Blue eyeshadow

blue eyeshadow no

It just makes you look sort of like you have a black eye from far away.  I really hope this doesn’t make a comeback because the last thing we need is more girls running around looking like a cheap movie’s interpretation of a middle-aged cocktail waitress.

4. Streaky highlights

streaky hair

Highlights have come a really long way since the nineties – they’ve figured out how to make them lookj blended and natural now. I just really hope someone doesn’t sit up one day and go ‘wait, these looked so much better when they were so streaky, it basically looked like everyone had striped hair.”

5. Everything Miranda from Lizzie McGuire was into

Lizzie mcguire

The picture says it all.

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