With just two weeks before it’s time to ring in the new year, many of us find ourselves searching the racks at our favorite department store or perusing online catalogues, all with the hopes of finding that perfect NYE dress. Regardless of where you get it, when it comes time to try on that shimmery little number, there’s a good chance most of us can’t help but think ‘this is as good as it’s gonna get.’
Surely in such little time there’s nothing we can do about that personal pizza we inhaled during finals week, or that Godiva ice cream we just couldn’t resist after a long day of shopping, right? WRONG. In just two weeks, you can tone and trim your body, and look and feel better in your new party dress! And these eight moves will get you there!
Before we get into the workout, I’m sure some of you are a little skeptical. Tons of fitness programs promise drastic results in a short amount of time, claiming you can lose inches in no time at all. The truth is, nothing works that fast, but what makes this strategy different is that it allows you to make your workouts more productive, focusing on muscles and exercises that burn calories, and are geared towards toning. With this routine from Glamour Magazine, you’ll see a difference in your upper and lower body! You’ll tighten up your butt, hips and thighs, and score definition in your arms, legs and abs, all in just two weeks!
Think it seems too good to be true? Try it for yourself!

The idea is to do what you can in the time you have, and with this workout, you’ll definitely see results. Do this routine circuit-style three to four times each week, completing every move twice for a total of two sets per exercise.
So there you have it: you’ve got two weeks to take the challenge, try these moves, and see results. If you can put in the time and energy over the next 14 days, you’ll be on your way to looking and feeling even better this NYE. Make no mistake, this is the real countdown to 2015.