The holidays might be the most wonderful time of the year but let’s face it: They can also be hella stressful. Between finishing up finals, snagging gifts for everyone on your list and answering the same few questions over and over again (sorry, Aunt Martha, I don’t know why I don’t have a boyfriend. Yes, I know I’m not getting any younger) things can get overwhelming. Also, it’s cold outside and that just makes everything feel worse.
If you’re feeling the stress of this hectic, crazy, beautiful time of year, give yourself a break. Whether that means taking half an hour away from the books or locking yourself in your room to avoid annoying relatives, we highly suggest taking some ‘me’ time to destress with one of these simple at home beauty treatments.
1. Exfoliate your bod
Sure, you’ve been keeping up with your skin care regimen….on your face. It’s time to give the skin on your body some attention as well now. Take a few minutes before showering to massage this concoction into your skin in circular motions: 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup raw oatmeal, 1 cup olive oil. Stand over a towel to avoid getting gunk all over your bathroom, then step into the shower and wash it all off. Your skin will feel so smooth and hydrated after this. Concentrate on your legs so the next time you shave them they’ll be extra smooth and resistant to annoying nicks.
2. Banish foot callouses
We all get ‘em. Those rough, dry stops on your heels are gross and annoying but the good news is, they’re easy to get rid of. Fill a big bowl or tub with to water and stick your feet in there for around 10 minutes (read a trashy magazine while doing this part.) Use a pumice stone top buff away any rough spots, then dry your feet off really well. At night, apply a generous coat of Vaseline to both feet, wear some socks and wake up in the morning to super soft feet.
3. The easiest scrub ever
Remove dry skin from your elbows and knees (super neglected areas) by slicing an orange in half and rubbing each half in circular motions on those areas of the body. This will get all that dry, flaky skin off so easily and requires almost no effort.
4. Counteract those stress breakouts
There’s nothing worse than anxiety-induced acne. If you’ve been victim to it recently, the key is to get your face as squeaky clean as possible. This powder is not only affordable, it’s also great at getting any buildup out of your skin. Simply mix it up really well with equal parts apple cider vinegar and apply to your face for around 20 minutes. When you rinse this off, your skin feels so soft and looks so clear – it’s amazing!
5. Smooth your lips
Get your pout ready for bright red holiday party lipstick by creating the perfect canvas. Mix up a tiny bit of olive oil with some brown sugar to form a quick and cheap scrub, Rub the concoction on your lips in circular motions, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Follow up with some Chapstick to replenish moisture.