Luke Bryan would make the perfect boyfriend. Not only does he seem fun and fabulous, but he’s a ridiculously good dancer. He dances like you when you’re white girl wasted (duck face optional), only he’s even better at dropping it low and picking it up slow.
This year, Luke Bryan was the top overall country artist. If you feel like you can’t escape from his melodic voice (not that you’d want to), it’s because you can’t. He won big at the American Country Countdown Awards last night, scoring three trophies. He performed Roller Coaster, and took home Male Vocalist of the Year. If you’re over fantasizing about Luke because 2014 is almost done, check out Sam Hunt (believe me, you’ll want to). You heard it here, first — he’s the Luke Bryan of 2015.
Sure, Luke has a wife, but that shouldn’t stop you from watching him get down with his bad self. (Okay, fine, his wife his absolutely adorable and his high school sweetheart — they met when she was an ADPi at Georgia Southern, which he sings about in Sorority Girl). I assume that she gave him pointers on dancing like a sassy sorority girl. Disregard his wife for just one second, though, because without her he’d make the best boyf ever (according to his Instagram).